I really really really hate Twitter. If your journal consists primarily of "tweets"? I'm not reading it.
There, I said it. It's possibly an irrational dislike, but I really just can't stand it.
That aside, my attention span is doing some really weird things today. I was watching an anime I really enjoy earlier, and instead of focusing on, yknow, the important scene that was happening, all I could focus on was a small background detail like the waves in the water in the background of the scene. I had to rewatch the same episode two and a half times before any of it sunk in.
Also, dyed my hair last night. Or, well, I finally got around to using the highlighting kit from the dye set that I bought when I got hired at Brookside. It turned out. ...Um. Sort of. Orangey? idk. Am still undecided on whether or not I like it, hence the lack of pictures. (
paralinguistic got me to show her and
actualize on Skype last night and that's about it XD). If I can get ahold of some cheap dye, I'll see what I can do to fix it up a bit, but. lololol botched dyejob is botched? NOT THE FIRST TIME I'VE DONE A DUMB THING TO MY HAIR, NOR THE LAST, I SUSPECT.