I had a dream that I was in a grocery store with my friend Sarah, carrying a box of screwdrivers under one arm, and a very large watermelon under the other, singing along with the store's radio (my current music). This scene repeated itself several times, and then I think I used a screwdriver to make the watermelon explode.
Yeeeeah. No more Dr Who and reese's cups before bed for me. (this statement is a lie.)
And now, a meme!
The rules are easy, just post 10 things that recently made you happy! Then tag 10 people and force them to post this meme on their LJs. Because it is good. Everyone needs a little happiness once in a while.
1. Fangirling with my roommate
2. New clothes/makeup that make me feel pretty
3. Being able to pay all of my bills on time
4. Dorking with Kate, the assistant manager at work
5. Torchwood and Dr. Who
6. The Torchwood and Dr. Who fandoms
7. New music, and a new MP3 player to listen to it on.
8. Frozen reese's cups
9. My Flist ♥
10. Cosplay
Anc I taaag...
kitten_of_rain, and
ningen_demonai Time to go take a shower and scrounge for breakfast before work! Today's gonna be a looooong day. lol 2 1/2 hour class directly after a 5 hour shift at work.