Wet Dreams

Mar 29, 2011 13:10

As I was talking to a friend last night, I remember telling him about my desire to dream S.V.V. I'll not spill his whole name. Hmm, maybe I'm not that bold yet to reveal it. Anyway, right when I layed myself to bed, I started to have this initial dreams-much like those of stories-the narrative structure which reminds me of the Greek drama or the 3 ACT play.(sighs)

To start off with, we had our initial conversation. The usual, hi Im Christine. What's yours? Same goes for him to me. **okay, Im so kinikilig while writing this down. LOL. Anyhoo, as I've said earlier, we made the necessary introductions even though we know each other. But not perfectly well. Hence, the introductions were necessary. Then those conversation quickly progressed. Yey. It was a momentous day for me. As quickly as it progress, so our conversation quickly deepened. *kilig*

Slowly, we touched each other's hands. Yes, the usual romantic scenes. And so on-I need not elaborate that much. Well, that's all I could share right now. Will write you soon.

signed the dreamer
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