Sep 05, 2006 10:17
So, yesterday was my day off, they called me up (I couldn't tell it was then till I answered the phone so I couldn't pretend I wasn't home. Damn.), asked me to come into work to help the cafe close. They bribe me with not having to get up at 7am today, so I say yes. The cafe was a mess. I mean, the new manager has done some good things over there, but she's also done some very bad very unsanitary things that could get the store closed down if a health person came wandering through one day. I was disgusted back there. And on top of that, she's utterly unprepared for the school business. She scheduled Scott to close BY HIMSELF, in the EVENING on LABOUR DAY, the DAY BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS, in an area with FIVE UNIVERSITIES NEARBY. She has nothing, absolutely nothing prepared for the amount of students we get in there. She started working here during a very slow summer break. An incredibly slow summer break. It's almost like she thinks that's how it is all year round. Dear god, if she doesn't quit after Xmas or even between Thanksgiving and Xmas after she realises what she's gotten herself into (she has no restaurant or management experience at all until now and so far... yeah. Not doing a lovely job, especially as everyone she hired over the summer are now gone and she has to hire all new people and train all new people by Xmas).
Anyway. So today, I get to go in at noon and get off at 4:30 (maybe can wheedle my way out earlier since Dayna comes in at 3:30, but I don't know that I want to leave after 3.5 hours of work since that's kinda pathetic). Then my play rehearsal (first one of the season) is at 7:30 in Amherst. Which kind of sucks because between 4:30 and 7:30 it's really not enough time to warrant driving all the way home and all the way back again, but at the same time, it's too much time to just sit around somewhere until the play rehearsal starts. So... yeah. Gonna be wasting a lot of gas for this, but at least the gas near my house is under 2.65$.
Meh. And I woke up today to the same song I woke up to on Sunday. "Bad Day" by Daniel Powter. Which, is a great song and I love Daniel Powter... but Sunday was a shitty day and I hope that's not deja vu telling me that today will be too. .___.