Today I die is the title of a game... or a poem, a poem that you play... If you like poetry, and you like games this may move you.
It's just a flash based browser game so anyone can play it, no download needed.
It's a contestant at the Independent Games Festival at the Game Developers Conference, seems likely to win...
A couple of other cool entries are:
Closure a platformer playing with the idea that if you don't see something it's not there. This one is also has a flash version, so just click the link and check it out.
Trauma, which is kind of like Myst and Okami in game play, a photographic mystery about a young woman after a car accident, has that haunting beautiful vibe. Trailer at: Limbo, about a little boy alone in the forest, another black and white side scrolling platformer... but pretty, so very pretty. Reminds me a lot of Ico: Vessel, another 2d platformer / puzzle game based around fluid mechanics with a steam-punk aesthetic: 'Shank' and 'Super Meat Boy' are much more crass and 'normal' video game type games... though defiantly off beat. I love the art direction of Shank... but it is HYPER violent, a 2d beat-em-up in the mold of Double Dragon, but with beautiful hand animated (looking anyway) graphics. And super meat boy is kind of Sonic on crack if he were a cube of meet trying to save his made of bandages girlfriend from a fetus in a tux... yah it's like that...