Jan 12, 2007 09:27
Last night's class was the most intense class I have ever participated in. We did a grand total of 81 push ups within an hour. I still can't think clearly enough to remember everything we did, but that could be the migrain too. When we walked out of that class I was so done I could barely think. The whole drive to Kristy's was pretty much silent because none of us had enough oomph left to make conversation. I was on autopilot. I'm suprised I don't hurt more, I was having doubts about whether I would physically be able to haul my carcass out of bed in the morning. Luckily I could, I almost rolled over and fell back to sleep after turning my alarm off though. I did (and do) have a migraine though. A particularly nasty one too. My Liqui-gels (god bless) have only succeeded in dulling the pain a bit. My eyes still don't feel like they're focusing right though. It almost feels like one of my eyes is further away from whatever I'm looking at than my other. I'm thinking this is just a new and interesting form of aura. Fun Fun Fun. The only things that got me in to work are that seeing as I'm going to Panorama next weekend with Marc I can really use the hours and that I know my boss would hold it over my head. Because it's okay for that bitch to miss time but the rest of us have to have perfect attendance don'tcha know. Stupid cunt.
I think I'm going to make myself a nest out of the blankets on my bed when I get home. I'm going to stay there for the rest of the night and watch movies quietly. I'll even let Archie join my, just as long as he doesn't harass me or make any noise. I might need someone to be my legs after all.
ow ow ow ow ow ow