
Feb 25, 2008 14:12

last night was amazing.

i went with my new roomate (well she moves in on the first) and some of her friends to a reggae show in petaluma. we drank a bit before, ok a lot, and then had a few beers there and i was drunk out of my fucking mind. well...kind of. i was still in recovery from the previous night out with joe and tara. anyways, i was like right in the middle of hte madness with my beer, just groving a long,an d one of emily's friends passes me a joint and i just smoke it and pass it.


yay for me getting high for the first time at a reggae concert with strangers. haha. anyways that was really fun and interesting. the group was awesome, and im siting in starbucks right now downloading their music (still no internet at home, thank god thats geting fixed tommorow).

so emily is hilarious. we were talking about how were having this toga party on april 5th (in case any of you all want to come visit) and how tara has a lot of friends in santa rosa, but we don't. emily has friends nearby, like marin and petaluma, but i have joe and his friends. who are awesome, but that doesn't quite contribute too many people to the party. anyways, emily and i decided that our new goal is to go out every saturday from now until the party and recruit people to be our santa rosa friends. her work/school schedule is pretty much like mine, with saturday being her prime night to go out and she hasnt really explored much santa rosa nightlife but wants to. and we're both pretty focused on finding boys to play with. so thats really exciting, to have another friend and all. god, i felt like such a loser typing that. haha. so she is really cool, and im glad tara picked her to be our roomate.

man, i drank so much this weekend and i havent gone on such a binge in forever. i relaly feel like i need to do a detox or something after this weekend. i still feel slightly drunk. frustrating...

oh and speaking of drinking all weekend, friday joe, tara and i went out and got drunk and joe told tara i was a 'picky whore'
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