Feb 19, 2008 21:09
roomate drama, that is. except (thankfully) it has nothing to do with me.
dana is moving out in a few days and tara is ridiculously excited. dana has been kind of bitchy to her lately, including uninviting her to this crab feast that she paid for, letting her dogs break this outdoor bar that tara made and not repairing it, dana's dogs peeing in tara's room and not cleaning it up, and then last night was apparently the last straw. dana and some friends from her work (where tara used to work and tara actually got dana the job) were going to a barlast night and having a little get together. dana actually invited me to it, although im pretty sure that had more to do with me inviting her to rita's then her actually wanting me to go. anyways, she didnt invite tara, and all of the girls going to the bar were tara's friends first.
tara was fucking pissed last night. and i totally understand, i would be as well. and i guess dana has just generally been being rude to tara and thats why tara has left town the last two weekends.
oh! also, this is kind of funny, dana has a match.com account and tara has a sneaking suspicion that the reason dana wants to move to alaska is becuase she has met a lot of guys online from alaska. i guess a year ago, when dana first went to alaska on a trip, she set up a match.com account for alaska, and since then has talked to a lot of guys. she kind of thinks she's a stud. so tara think's thats why she is so gung ho about alaska. haha. thats funny for me to hear becuase dana has refered to her 'friends in alaska' to me several times and i thought she actually knew these people, but instead they are all boys from an online dating site.
anyways, tara is so excited to get rid of dana and her dogs that she wants to plan a 'thank god dana is fucking gone' party. becuase...well dana will be gone so we can celebrate, plus having a bunch of people over at the house is a big more realistic considering two big dogs wont be barking at everyone. so im excited for that and ive volunteered to make jello shots. and seduce all of her cute guy friends.
ok. i dontknow if she has any cute guy friends, but im going on 1/4th of a year without sex, so im hopeful.
also, i just realized today that im not working on st. patricks day. that's amazingly exciting news...you know if i had a monday friend. i still have one month until leperchuans day, and if i dont find one i might just be prancing around by myself in my leperchaun costume acting like a fool. nobody wants me to do that, trust me, so please keep your fingers crossed that i find a good monday drinking buddy before then :)