RhumbaToTs:: Unleash my chains... grrrrr...

Jun 24, 2006 02:06

How I wish that I can unleash the chains of modern society and allow myself to just kick the shit out of any idiot who makes life miserable for others and me. I mean, just think about it. The only thing not allowing us to punch the f**ker in front of us is that it is not an acceptable act in the current modern society and it could lead to us, the punchers, being sued or being jailed. However, I can't sue my boss and my friend's evil bosses, nor will we be able to see them go to jail unless they do anything drastically illegal. Even so, the process of such will take a long time, and will never be as satisfying as the act of punching the instestines out of the f**ker's ass. Sigh. Maybe I am thinking too much.

And with completely no connection to the above rant, the answer to the value of an unconscious Hydra here, specially for D&D fans.

rhumbatots, comic, oots

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