I had two really nice but weird dreams recently.
The first was on Saturday night I believe. I dreamt that when I returned to Singapore, I was with one of my ex-crush. I had a crush on this girl very long time ago and I dreamt that she was my girlfriend and we were just hanging out together when we entered this antique/old stuffs shop. And there was this deal going on where you could buy two posters/postcards at the price of one. So we agreed to each choose one.
However not all the posters/postcards were elligible for this deal. My 'gf' managed to choose one she liked immediately and it was really nice. Somehow I felt that I needed to choose a nice poster/postcard too in order to match up to her taste and I started searching for one. However, all the ones I chose or liked were not elligible for the offer. And I spent a huge amount of time searching for one. Then I turned to apologize to my 'gf' for making her wait and she gave me a smile that said "It's okay... but PLEASE hurry up" with eyes that roll up to the sky at the end of her smile.
And that's it. It was nice because we were having quite a nice romantic stroll before entering the stupid shop. I enjoyed that very much. However I didn't like the feeling that I made my 'gf' wait for me.
The next dream I just had it this morning. I dreamt that I am a samurai (I think watching Kill Bill last night influenced this) and I stumbled into a mountain winter village. This village was a beautiful village cause it was built into a cave that had light or something. However, everybody in the village was killed. And then I recognized one of the dead as my grandmother (not my real grandmother but my character's grandmother). So I spent a lot of time in the village. Not touching them but just leaving them in their murdered frozen state. Then another samurai turned up. Somehow I just knew he was the murderer and he was called 'EvilWind' or 'EvilCold' or something like that. So we started fighting.
It was a spectacular fight scene for me. It resulted with me decapitating his head. In one of the huts. I left his body there, cried, and then I started the task of dragging every villager's body out of the village outside. I intended to burn the bodies the next day. The next day I woke up and there were lots of other samurais around looking at the pile of dead bodies and everything. They asked me if I did it (killed the villagers) and I said no. Then it ended.