PENT UP jdcshfku jkfchvcuvhdlicuhfjdkiudjhid!!!!

Jun 02, 2006 23:32

So, today was fun, I geuss. I had to wake up really early, and go into the office. My fingers hurt from fixing up signs.

Good news, I found the best umbrella today! :D It's straight and pointy, and strong, and opens up when you hit this little button thing. SWEET.

Hamburgers for lunch, then went to diliver somthings.
A soon s we got in the car? Sprinkle to soup in five minute flat. Glad we got new tires, made for the rain!
::Weather man pops up:: Weather man: And this month folks, it's monsoon season! So get that life boat ready, and prepare to get WET!


Web sHite isn't working. It's being dificult, and ugly. That goodness it started to bleed less today, and I hope it's condition will continue to improve, however, the lack of art available is disheartening. Especially since I HAVE NO GRAPHICS TABLET!!! ::Breaths fire as her mind becomes violent:: My mind is going to shut down entirly if I don't find som way to get all of my pent upcreativity out, and I can't deal with a scanner that I CAN'T USE ANYWAY! Nor do I have ANY cooperative programs that don't bitch at me left and right.

::Cue rant::

Parents don't understand some things at this age, for some of us. Then again, kiddies, parents understand a lot more than you think they do, so you should be thankful to them. In fact, go hug your mom and/or dad right now. NOW.
But, on some things, parents really don't understand. Shall I preach to the choir here for a minute? Yes? Alright, first issue:

Parent: "Pent up energy? Why don't you channel that into school work?"

::Eye twich::

Alright, school is WORK. Everyone knows this. School is necessary. Yes, and with out it, the country would die, yes. BUT, kids need outlets. OUTlETS THAT WORK. Children need to have fun, while they are still children. A child can hardly be expected to concentrate on school work when they have a hard time expressing themselves. You can't keep putting things INTO a childs brain with out giving them a way to get what they want OUT of there brain. The energy required for school is different then the energy required for creativity.

Every person seeks to put forth a form of creativity and expresion. Some more or less than others.
This need produces "Creative Energies".
The othe energies produced for things that are nessecary, but those which we may not want to preforn are called "Normal Energies".
The "Nornal Energies" there fore, are harder to chanell, being somthing we may not always want to do.

Now, both energies are built up inside the human mind and body. Both of these energies are required for person to feel natural.
If the human mind and human body have a healthy balance of each of these energies, then a person feels normal, and Happy.
Normal happy person Creative**** Normal****
This person has a normal balance of energies.
If one has an outlet, there becomes less of it.
Creative energies are replenished with the normal need the express oneself as new information is taken in.
Normal energies can be replanished naturaly through eating and sleep.

If one of these energies is given an outlet, and the other is not, and unhealthy balance occours.
Geuss what kids, your parent want you to use your normal energies first on school. If parents don't give there kids proper outlets for both energies, a build up may occour on one side.
Person with abnormal energies Creative************ Normal*
If both are not released from the body, then a build up will occour, which may leave less space for other energies.
This is the more obvious and common case that creative energies are built up first. With out proper outlets, children won't be able to concentrate on things like school work. This leads not only to fatigue from stress on the body (with less space for normal energy to be stored), and causes more stress of the mind, because they lack a feeling of satisfation, which may lead to depresssion.

Some people may find it easiest to express them selves in different ways. Whether it is the joy of playing a sport, the feeling of acomplishment in winning a math tournament, or by the pride of seeing that they created a peace of wonderful art.

But you know, I'm just a kid ranting, so hey, it works for me!

Yeah, hi mom, can I get that graphics tablet now? I LOVE YOU!!!~


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