(no subject)

Jul 30, 2009 10:38

So, the rundown of Persacon is as follows! Next post will be leftovers from the con.

Friday, day 1:

I woke up kinda early, 9:00, and planned to be at the con by 12. Rachel and Kelley called me twice, tellin' me to hurry my ass up and get down there, since they already had the table. I finally got out of the house at 12, and got to Decatur between 12:30 and 1. A little late, but I figured fewer people would be there, because t was Saturday.

I found the Holiday Inn easy enough, since it was right after the bridge into Decatur. I parked and ran into the holiday inn to find the con and get my badge. The very nice con staff at the sign in table got me my badge and checked off that I had come to claim my table in Artists Alley. Rachel and Kelley we're already set up once I got there, and Rachel had her prints and sketchbook out on the table. Kelley was super-sweet to watch the table most of the weekend, as well as the super-lovely Angelina, who pimped us out and made people buy our stuff!

David kind of latched onto our table, and we were pretty nice about it. For a while. Eventually we decided that he was taking away our business (and making it really hard to get in the box) so on the second day we decided not to let him share for free on our fifty dollar table. (Why were tables so expensive this year???) We didn't want him to be selling 12-dollar-a-sketch run of the mill, practically identical (half-naked) cat girls when we were selling sketches for five dollars a piece. People would come to his stuff first and end up thinking that the entire table was like that. Even when he wasn't with us, he would squat at other artists tables after they would leave, which, by con rules, is an illegal thing to do. >:/

But, all in all, the selling was good. Both Rachel and I still had things left over, but we made enough to cover our expenses. For a first time thing for me, I thought that it went great! And we both know tons of better things to do next year if we decide to get a table again. Friday night was the rave, and I didn't get to sell any glow sticks, since they were selling them anyways. But I did get to wear mine and I looked AWESOME. Damn that rave was loud. Eventually though, after Kelley Rachel and I got all of our things up to the room, and I got my sleepin' stuff out of the car, we went to bed. I set my alarm and we all went to sleep with a job well done.


Day 2:

Our room was freezing. Oh my goodness. We either froze or burned up. I thinks that the Holiday Inn was trying to save money by messing with the air conditioning or something.

Hannah, Cullen and Joe were running around over at Mudkip's house where they'd been staying, trying to get everything ready for the cosplay contest. This day would be the day of my awesome pal-o-ramma with the illustrious Hannah, who is amazing, and who I will not be able to see again for some time. ;__; Between the cosplay contest, the pocky game and her abduction to space McDonald's, we became the best of buds! We both thought that the other was already in college! -__-;

Once we got the black box down to the table, and finnally put the table cloth on, our selling started again. Rachel was at the table more than me, but neither of us seemed to be at the table very much. Rachel, as the Pocky Ninja's apprentice, was toting around a GIANT STICK OF POCKY! Not that foot long, edible pocky, but a 4+ foot, choco-pocky stick! Lovingly made from a wooden dowel and brown painted tubing. It was so cute!~ Rachel was selling things out of her sketchbook for 5$, as well as taking commisions. I was selling prints, charms, candy and sketch commisions (as well as the odd manga). Angelina sold off an entire box of old manga, and made a bit of profit.

Hannah, Cullen and Joe eventually got there, and helped to rush me into my Viral Costume (I love you Hannah <3 <3 <3). We got down to cosplay prejudging tute-sweet and entered. We wouldn't have to show up for the competition till four, so we killed some time. I checked on everybody at the table, and stayed long enough to do a commission for a girl who tried to rip me of. >:[

Hannah and I then traveled to SPACE MCDONALD'S!!!! As Viral and Simon (SHE MAKES THE CUTEST SIMON!!!) but we couldn't eat till after the cosplay competition so my fries got cold.

hannah, persacon, rachel, 2009, emmie

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