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Dec 04, 2003 06:47

well church last nite was fun. got there and Lance wanted me to sing since Sheri really didnt know the songs. i have to sing again on sunday. lovely. Me, Kelli, Joe, and John all sang tonite. well actually only me. cuz they were playin instruments and playing too. lol. so i had to sing by myself basicly. which was ok with me. after we talked for a min we went outside and played some basketball. as usual i was the only girl playin. and i said that out loud and Josh was like "no Jeremiah is playing" lol. but my team (Me, Jeremiah, Patrick, and David) we are undeafeated. soo booya! lol. 2-0 baby. next week if you wanna play us come to the church. cuz we ready. lol. i got into the car and i couldnt move my foot. i was freakin out cuz i thought that i had broken it. ahh.. and my mom doesnt give a shit. as usual. but w/e. IM OUT
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