Mar 19, 2008 23:57
that I could have asked for a different DVR box. Yes, *this* is what concerns me at the moment (though it should come as absolutely no surprise to any friend here). :p
When I decided to sign up for the cable "Triple-Play" package (cable, high-speed internet, and digital home phone) in September, I accepted whatever cable DVR box that the guy installed along with the other equipment. I remember asking the customer service person about the max number of hours of saved shows the box holds. I thought she said 40 but it turns out to be 35 - either way, that's far too limited! Do they not know how much I watch and desire to save for multiple viewings before the season's DVDs are out in the stores?!
Recently, I started to notice a hour glass icon next to the shows that were recorded but not set to *manually erase* and what do you know? It started erasing the shows, even when I wanted to keep them for a few more days! Today was the final straw. I was literally in the middle of the Idol performances from Tuesday night when I *stopped and saved* it to watch after my Wed. night shows were done. When I went to select AI, it was gone!
After calculating the exact saved hours (I'm now at 31 hrs and 15 min.), I called Time Warner Cable and ultimately found out that if I get (or had chosen, had I known) the HD DVR box, for no extra cost, I could have up to 90 hours of saved shows! Hallelujah, where do I sign up? Well, that's the problem. First I have to GO to the service center (not in the most convenient location) but more importantly, I will lose ALL my saved S4 shows - House, LOST, and The Office! :( It's so annoying that you can get a new cell phone and have all your contacts transferred or you can take your memory card from one camera and put it in another one but they can't retrieve saved shows from the box.
I'm seriously not sure what to do. Beginning April 10, all the strike shows will begin to start up again and I have less than a four-hour window left in the DVR. That's not going to cut it. Grrr! Why couldn't they have told me about this option six months ago?
On an unrelated plus side, my mini-Easter vacation has begun (which is why I'm up late Rod). ;) I don't go back to work until next Wednesday - yay!