- Your drabble must focus on Ron/Hermione in some way.
- ONLY 100 word drabbles are acceptable here.
- There will be a one-word prompt posted every Sunday. However, feel free to use prompts from past weeks.
- If you post more than one drabble in an entry, please use an lj cut.
- If drabbles are R/NC-17 they MUST go under an
lj-cut. Please warn appropriately.
- This community may contain adult content, please join/read at your own risk, and take heed of warnings.
- Feel free to post a link/fake-cut to your own journal.
- If you would like to suggest a prompt (or affiliate with this community), comment
here. We're always looking for new ideas.
Please put the title, rating and your user name into the subject line of your post.
Please tag entries appropriately with author, genre, rating and prompt. This will make it much easier to find entries in the future. If you're unsure about the genre, just leave it. A list of all the common tags can be found on the side bar of the community.
For example: author: hpuckle, genre: angst, rating: pg, snow
Please use the following template when posting:
Title: Author: Prompt: Rating: Word Count (should be 100 words exactly): Warnings: Notes: Please help us to spread the community!
Pimp it in your journal/userinfo/communities you think might be interested.
Below are banners/buttons for the community. Feel free to post them when you're telling other people about the community, or put them on your userinfo. If possible, please upload them to your own host.
To use a banner linking to the community, use this code:">
If you use any of the banners below, please use the following code instead so that the artists can be properly creditted for their work:">
Beautiful art by
If you want to make a banner/banners of your own, we'd love you to.
Leave a comment with a link to the banner here and I'll gradually add to the list.