Special Project, Restoration, and Rededication

Feb 05, 2008 19:28

Title: Special Project
Author: writerwannabe
Prompt: Library
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Warnings: None. DH spoilers.
Notes: I always wondered what happened to Hogwarts after the battle. Of course they had to rebuild. I always figured that it would have happened over that summer. This is part 1 of 3 of the 'Library" series...because I can't seem to write just one.

“Can I take off the blindfold yet?”

“In a minute.”

“Ron, we’re missing the rededication ceremony.”

“Not quite.” Ron cleared his throat. “Listen, I want you to know that I’m sorry that I couldn’t go with you to Australia.”

“Your Mum was upset by the idea of you leaving,” she said. “Besides, I’m proud that you helped rebuild Hogwarts.”

“It wasn’t easy,” Ron admitted, removing the blindfold. “I worked on a special project though.”

Hermione’s eyes widened at the sight of the large plaque hanging above the massive, oak doors they stood in front of.

The Hermione Jean Granger Library

Title: Restoration
Author: writerwannabe
Prompt: Library
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Warnings: None. DH spoilers.
Notes: part 2 of 3 of the "Library" series

“Ron, I don’t understand,” she gasped in shock.

Ron pulled the door opened, ushering Hermione inside.

Endless rows of wooden cases, burned beyond recognition in the battle, were restored. Books of all sizes, magical and muggle alike, lined the shelves. Even the study area, where long tables once stood, was now fitted with cozy armchairs and plush rugs.

“What have you done?”

Ron shrugged. “Wanted to give you a nice place to read when you came back in the fall.”

“But what about us?“

“You deserve the opportunity to finish school.” Ron hugged her gently. “I’ll wait for you forever.”

Title: Rededication
Author: writerwannabe
Prompt: Library
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Warnings: None. DH spoilers.
Notes: Part 3 of 3 of the "Library" series

“Not forever,” Hermione declared. “Not months… weeks … a day… an hour...” She smiled. “Right now, Ron. We haven’t really talked about what happened in the Room of Requirement. But I need you to know--”

“I love you,” Ron interrupted quietly. “I don’t need to spend time thinking it over… I just know.”

"That’s good…because I love you, too.” She started to pull him away from the door.

“What about the rededication?”

“I’d like to work on rededicating the library, if you don’t mind,” she said, leading him toward a particularly comfortable looking armchair.

“You want to read?”

“Not exactly.”

rating: pg, author: writerwannabe, genre: fluff, library

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