Title: Melt with you
otterandterrier Prompt: Ice
Rating: G
Word Count (should be 100 words exactly): 100
Warnings: None
Notes: I came up with this because I do like water almost boiling, and my mum does too. And we discovered my aunt likes it too, but my father and my uncle don't. So well... just rambling. I'm not sure if the grammar is all right here, though, but never mind, it's 100 words.
The bathroom door opened, and Hermione came out in her towel gown, surrounded with steam.
'Hermione, what's happened to you?' Ron exclaimed, seeing her reddish skin.
'Nothing, I took a bath.'
'In boiling water?'
'Of course not,' she laughed. 'I like water hotter than most people, though. Anyway, men usually like it a bit colder. I think it might be because your blood is too heated.'
'Or because you're made of ice!'
'If I was made of ice, I would melt, wouldn't I?'
Ron smiled and, attracting her by the waist, he replied, 'Well, you do, sometimes.'
'Just with you.'