Snitchase (Prompt: Football)

Jun 15, 2010 12:40

Title: Snitchase
Author: OtterAndTerrier
Prompt: Football
Rating: G
Word Count (should be 100 words exactly): 100
Warnings: None
Notes: Not very good perhaps, but I just wrote it and wanted to post before I go to the doctor's xD Football... seriously. On a side note, I'm not following the World Cup this year. I'm busy.

'Riddiculous,' Ron stated, shaking his head. 'For the sake of it, at least a more original name could have done it.'

'What do you mean?'

'Well, Hermione, it's the most boring thing I've seen in my life, and trust me I've been bored.'

'But what would a name do to it?' said Hermione, turning off the telly.

'I don't know, but-football? Really? It's played with a ball... which you kick with your foot... bang! Football.'

'It's logical!' Hermione laughed.

'It's lack of originality. Otherwise Quidditch'd be called snitchase or something. It's not as if we ditch quids, you know.'

author: otterandterrier, rating: g, football, genre: humour

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