Title: No Better Than A Four Year Old
cassieruaPrompt: bite
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Notes: My first ever drabble. Wish me luck?
They’d slipped down for breakfast in the Burrow separately; a feeble attempt at alleviating any suspicions that might have been raised by late-night footsteps on the stairs. As they sat at the table, Ginny noted with an elevated eyebrow the grin on her brother’s face, and the dark smudge half-exposed under Hermione’s collar. Molly gabbled at the hob about little Teddy Lupin, who had been driving his grandmother demented by biting everyone in sight:
“Surely by four he’d be old enough to keep from biting others... Really, Ron, can't you drink without choking? You're no better than a four-year old!”
ETA: Putting it behind a cut!