Title: Not For All The Gold In Gringotts
Author: blackhawk_13
Prompt: Old
Rating: G
Word Count (should be 100 words exactly): 100 (94 if you coun hyphenated words as one word)
Warnings: None
Notes: None
Not For All The Gold In Gringotts
Like everything else he’d had growing up, it was a hand-me-down…from his grandfather, specifically. It was one of the few hand-me-downs he actually cherished. Granpa Weasley gave it to him when he was six and taught him how to play right before he died. The pieces were old and chipped and there was a hairline crack running the length of the board. But as he watched six-year-old Hugo yell “Checkmate!” as he trounced his Uncle Harry for the very first time, Ron wouldn’t have traded the old chessboard for all the gold in Gringotts.