what happens next

May 30, 2009 15:20

I feel like im getting sick :P....man that face looks much happier then i feel....not that im unhappy just that im not feeling well.
I keep thinking and thinking and thinking which btw gets you no where
i like my new roomies a lot its fun and not tense which is such a nice change.....its so nice to sit in the living room and have your rommies hang out or walk by making funny jokes and not an ounce of that passive aggressive bullshit....its nice....very very nice
i got a new mattress yesterday...the managers wife gave it to me for free...its not great bout the same as my old one before it got all soft springed....so it'll do for now.......
i gotta clean out the guest room today so that its ready for my sublet who will be here on monday....yay for someone else paying my rent..here n e way i still gotta pay up serenity before the end of the month...eek....
ok i dont really have much else to share
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