Oct 22, 2008 22:23
So u gotta love that when people are on the spot and dont know what else to say or how to fix situations they usually are the most honest.....I was "kinda-semi" told everything i needed to know today by the boy....exactly what i "kinda-semi" am to him....its great...well no actually its not that great but at least now i know where the line is drawn and this feeling of being second best is justified and i can just let go of it...i think i had the right thinking all along...if you just let it be a game and play by your own rules then it can never come back to bite you in the ass...or in big speak "massticate you in the glutials" lol.....but ne way now that i know this new info i can be like cool....now i can chill out and just go back to being me...and not be us....cuz im sorry but it is really difficult to suddenly have two people to worry about when it was hard enough trying to take care of myself....adding to that is killing me....trust that....and now i am not gonna worry about it so much...im just gonna let go and watch it swim away.....
i wish i were at the beach tonight....not a completely unrelated topic...when i am upset or if i start to feel too much i like to go to the beach and let it all get washed out to sea....all the stress and the hurt can just melt away on the waves and I can just for a little while be ok again.....i like to be ok
i am, once again, choosing to just be happy.....lets see if thats even possible in my new setup....i am going to try it is my goal for the rest of this month...i just want to be happy and care-free....
see im starting already!