Dec 22, 2008 01:17
So this weekend I spent Shabbat in DC visiting my friend Aylana. So I miss all the snow of doom on my nice calm bus ride to DC. So I get there and she takes me out for lunch, and a quick walk over to Trader Joe's for some food. Sadly I missed Minchah, So we rest for a bit and let her sleep since she has been sick all week. We walk over to our hostess's place and discover more people I know. This gets a little weird. ERic's old roommate who works for the FCC is there. The hostess is from Boston and knows Simon. And Lazer I know from 2nd grade. And if that was not enough there is a guy from Nebraska who knows my friend Rabbi Nadel. So my friend Aylana is now convinced I know the world and can connect to anyone in less than 3 minutes. So we walk back and crash. In the morning we walk over to Georgetown for Shul. I really like the look of the Shul. There I meet our host for the day Howie who used to live in Fair Lawn. We goto Howie's for lunch of cold cuts NOMMM. Then relax till minchah, and at our 3rd meal Aylana tries to match me with the guy sitting next to me.. yup it works. So after shabbos I go to a beer tasting and play some pool. There I run into an old friend from birthright. I'm kind of kicking myself in the ass since I used to have a ton of friends down here and it took 3 years for me to get my ass down here. So after words walk back to the apartment to wind down. No such luck we need kinko's so after much walking and explaining and more stories.... 4am roles around and we crash. We do some shopping in the morning. And then we boucne to NY on the Bus. I really did love the DC community. The only down side was discovering that some of my old friend are devote Republicans. And do not believe in things such as Pro Choice or transgender or gay marriage.... small issues I had to look past this weekend.