
Jan 03, 2006 03:38

= A Woman's Guide to Personal Finance - Virginina B. Morris, Karen W. Lichtenberg

= The Chinese Chicken Cookbook - Eileen Yin-Fei

= The Simple Art of Napkin Folding - Linda Hetzer

= Pilates: Body in Motion - Alycea Ungaro

= Causes of Death

= Epidemics - ed. William Dudley

= Beginning Programming for Dummies - Wallace Wang

= Essentials of English Grammar - L. Sue Baugh

= The Uses of Enchantment - Bruno Bettelheim

= The Only Math Book You'll Ever Need - Stanley Kogelman, Barbara R. Heller

= The Corset: A Cultural History - Valerie Steele

= The Breast Book - Maura Spiegel

= Woe is I - Patrica T. O'Conner

= Lingerie: A Lexicon of Style - Caroline Cox

= The Female Eunuch - Germaine Greer

= My Big New Breasts - Amy Wallace (not sure if this is a book or article)

= The Tummy Trilogy - Calvin Trillin

= Happiness: A History - Darrin M. McMahon

= The Eyre Affair - Jasper Fforde

= Personal Computing Demystified - Larry Long

= Starting Out or Starting over - James M. Kramon

= Common Sense Economics - James D. Gwartney

= Who Let the Blogs Out? - Biz Stone

Here's a few authors:
- Michael Cunningham

- Barbara Dafoe Whitehead

- Yiyun Li


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