It stopped snowing.
I'm not bitter.
Screw that. I'm unbelievably bitter, and I'm taking it out on everyone as Khyrisse:
New Trade Decides: Supreme Court Nomination
The death of 108 year old Supreme Court Justice Max Utopia has created an opening on the bench. Below are the possible nominees.
1. Freddy Longbottom, the Former CEO of New Trade Products, says "I have long sat by and watched our government vicously attack the big businesses in this country. The government has no right to control businesses and I will adopt that position in all of my judgements."
2. Reverend Bianca Rifkin is nominee #2. The Reverend says "I am sick and tired of the liberals in this country ruining our family values. Every day they assault our basic sense of decency. You must vote for me to keep our families safe. Think of the children!"
3. Gay Activist and former Senator Chastity McGuffin is nominee #3. "Our people aren't happy, we need more freedom, we need more civil rights. We must keep the government out of the bedroom. We must respect peoples right to privacy and remember that personal relations are just that, personal."
4. Environmental Activist Charles Rubin argues, "Our government has been constantly violating Mother Earth and her rights, all our politicians talk about are civil rights, civil rights this, civil rights that, blah blah blah, we aren't important, what is important is the Earth!"
5. The last nominee is the retired Five Star General Pete Winters. "We are ridiculed throughout the international community for our low quality weaponry, our police and military numbers are not sufficient. Our military must be protected from both constitutional and civilian oversight. They should be given money, and a free hand."
6. Finally, a tomato flies by your head flung by an angry protester. "We want to elect our own judges! This is a democracy! More power to the people! We don't want a lapdog! Separation of Powers! Get the government out of the judicial system!" He chucks another tomato at you before security escorts him out of your private office.
Tell the first one that he's fired, that he'll never work in the judicial system, and that I'm having him audited.
Tell the second one that the place for sermons is in a church, not on the bench, and that I don't see her volunteering to help out with the kids in Schneider's orphanage.
Tell the fourth one that if he didn't have rights he wouldn't be able to bitch at me about this, and suggest that he apply for a job in the Public Parks or Natural Resource Management departments if he's so flarking worried about it, instead of wasting my time, his time, and Ataniel's time.
Tell the fifth one that I can kick his army's ass by twitching my nose and that I haven't been a civilian since before he was born, and then quietly set up scrying spells on his office and the common areas of his home.
Haul the sixth one away, fine him for the cleaning bill for my office, and Geas him to clean the streets during his free time for the next month. Oh, and I'll be down to scream at him in just one second...
*Rho/Khyrisse clicks in annoyance on number three*