*Rho snarfs soda and falls out of her chair, howling with laughter*

Nov 18, 2006 12:46

1 day ago
The Fiefdom of Invercauld

Where's the beer? And the scotch? And the slaveboys?

1 day ago
The Theocracy of New Trade

To the Fiefdom of Invercauld:

We have more alcohol than you could drink in your entire lifetime-- imported and domestic of all kinds, ranging from rotgut to fifty-year-old scotch.

And while we don't have slaveboys, prostitution IS legal.

And quite talented, from what I hear. And they all have their shots. Bring your money-- you'll have a lovely time.

Just remember to play nice. Or at least within the negotiated rules. Or Mama spank.

Khyrisse Starshadow
Katathea and Director of New Trade

30 minutes ago
The Fiefdom of Invercauld

To Khyrisse Starshadow and The Theocracy of New Trade:

To insure clear communication and a firm foundation of understanding between us, I would like to propose a conference to discuss the drafting of a "Scotch and Mama Spanking" treaty between our Nations.

*Rho/Khyrisse blows her nose, trying to get Diet Coke out of it and giggling wildly* Well, THAT'LL teach me to try to eat breakfast while reading international correspondence...

nationstates, newtrade

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