(no subject)

Dec 19, 2005 12:28

I've been out of the loop for a while. I did manage to nab Leon after that seminar thing and we arranged to meet Thursday, but he wanted me to bring everything that I had written so far, including a bibliography. The last time I wrote my biblio was two years ago, so I was frantically trying to get it together all week, plus expanding on my introduction. Anyway, we met (not on time though; he didn't realise he wouldn't have a car and had to bike in), we talked and he seemed happy enough with my idea of three chapters plus intro and afterword/conclusion.

My final tutorials went really well (except for the Monday one, where I made the mistake of trying to teach). I brought in chocolate, fizzy drinks and wine, and just relaxed with them. Hmm, wine. For cheap stuff, it was very tasty.

Then, Saturday night, it was my cousin Ann's hen party. All I knew was I had to turn up at the big fish statue on the Lagan Lookout.

We were on a boat! Joanna (ex-housemate) and Linda (Ann's sister) had hired the tour boat and we sailed up and down the Lagan, eating and drinking to our hearts' content. And such a spread!! Red pepper and sundried tomato canapes, honey and mustard cocktail sausages, cajun chicken mini wraps, melba toast, Greek salad, half a dozen different kinds of cheese, cashews, chicken and peach sandwiches, babycorn and carrots for dipping... And then for dessert, there were mince pies, iced buns, brandy snaps, chopped fruits, pavlova and chocolate log. Joanna and Linda did it all. Best. Food. Ever. Afterwards, we went back to Linda and Joanna's and had champagne and tea. It was brilliant. Hiring the boat was a great idea because it felt really private. And I impressed everyone with my knowledge of Christmas song lyrics. *smug*

I'm going home on Wednesday for Christmas. I'll try and get online on Christmas Day to send you all a Christmas message, but if I don't, then have a great time, eat loads, get super presents and I'll see you in the New Year.

phd, teaching, hen party

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