(no subject)

Feb 26, 2004 16:20

It snowed overnight, and this time, it did lie. I went out this morning and built a miniature snowman. He's so cute! He's still surviving (minus one eye, which fell out), but only because I was able to move him about and get him out of the sun. It is supposed to snow more tonight, so maybe that'll save him for another day.

This week has been... bad. Not "bad" as in "I've had a terrible time," but "bad" as in "I didn't do things the way I was supposed to." Namely, I have slept in every day this week, stayed away from the university library, started work late, gave it up early, and tended to want to avoid company and get pissed off when people interrupted my stuff. (I wish someone would invent remote headphone for the tv. Then you could just put the headphones on and listen to your programme in peace, while everyone around you jabbers on.) I mean, even right now? I should probably be doing work, writing more of my PhD piece, I mean Leon wants over 25 pages for the middle of March; but here I am, on LJ again, cos I'm not gonna go out to the university in the snow and cold, and it's too late to go now anyway, and the disc I have my work on won't run on James' computer here at home, and I've got bored with the work which I was doing.

On an up side, however: ponies have FINALLY landed locally. When I say "ponies," I mean the 03 Rainbow ponies and season ponies, as well as some of the new 04 ponies (up till now, the only 03 ponies I could find were the Glitter sets and the castle/salon/shop playsets), and when I say "locally," I mean at the toyshop which is closest to my home-home, that toyshop being Walkers in Ballymoney. And on an upper side: Philip has a dentist's appointment in Ballymoney tomorrow, so I'll be taking the train to Ballymoney rather than Ballymena, and might just get the chance to go see what I want :DDDDDD

James had his visa interview on Tuesday. He says it was the shortest interview he has ever had. They asked two questions:

1. Do you intend to come home again?
2. Do you plan to deal in drugs while in America?

...They expect people to ever answer, "yes," to that last question?

But he's got his visa, so soon he shall be departing, and we shall be joined by Dee, which means we shall probably have Clive round here a lot. Now, I like Clive. He is a great guy; he knows a lot on some very esoteric subjects and he can be interesting. He just doesn't know when a topic is dead and done with. And he doesn't know when it's a good time to leave. And, to make it worse, Joanna and Pamela then have to moan about it. *rolls eyes*

[Edit: Hmm, SO not seeing how this icon means "apathetic." "Apathetic" does not conjure up images of palm beaches for me. It conjures up images of shoe-scuffing and shoulder-shrugging.]

[Edit 2: And the "bored" one is worse! People don't cry when they are bored; they're too bored to cry.]

[Edit 3: *Throws hands up at "listless"* I give up!]

phd, weather, procrastinate more, family, grouch & grumble, housemates, ponies, kicking my own ass

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