(no subject)

Nov 25, 2005 14:38


It shouldn't snow. It's only November, for crying out loud. That'll make it three winters in a row that it has snowed. Why didn't this happen when I was 5 or 6?! WHY!?!?!?

I notice a big change in weather patterns from when I was a kid (yes, I'm going to be boring and British and discuss the weather :P). Snow was a very rare event when I was a kid. So was a warm, dry summer, though they were less rare than the snow. I think that between the ages of about 4 and 18, it snowed about twice, maybe three times (I'm talking about snow which lies). Our year-round weather was rain. Some frost and ice, occasional fog on the autumn mornings and sometimes sleet, but mostly rain. Since starting university in 1998, the summers have definitely become warmer, and as I said, this will the third winter in a row that it's snowed.

So, are we heading for a Big Heat, or that Ice Age we're apparently overdue?

What do you call that thing you do when you rap your fingernails on the table one after the other, like you're doing a Mexican wave with your fingers?... DRUMMING! Yes, drumming your fingers *had a daisydayes moment* Yes, well, drumming my fingers sounds very loud in here.

weather, random babble

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