(no subject)

Nov 16, 2005 13:05

You scored as Batman, the Dark Knight. As the Dark Knight of Gotham, Batman is a vigilante who deals out his own brand of justice to the criminals and corrupt of the city. He follows his own code and is often misunderstood. He has few friends or allies, but finds comfort in his cause.

Batman, the Dark Knight
Indiana Jones
Captain Jack Sparrow
The Amazing Spider-Man
Lara Croft
Neo, the "One"
William Wallace
The Terminator
James Bond, Agent 007
El Zorro
Which Action Hero Would You Be? v. 2.0
created with QuizFarm.com

My sister Sharon and I had a long text-message conversation last week about how much, exactly, Batman rocked. Even when he's being an idiot. Which, for a guy with genius-level IQ, he does surprisingly often. I bought Batman the Animated Series: Volume 1 along with Batman Begins last week, so I'm on a bit of a Bat buzz at the minute *snugs Mr Dark Knight*

I'm surprised how fast the contagion of my comic newbieness has spread to other family members, or at least to the ones I have any influence over ie. my sisters. It took a while for my pony habit to filter down to my sisters. Sharon's still neutral about it and likes to set herself up as the "sensible" one, but she's fallen hook, line and sinker into my new comic habit. She was squeeing at the weekend over a Battle Royale manga some guy had brought into school: "The art is so pretty! Even when you're watching someone's brains getting blown to bits, it's so pretty!" *starry eyes*

I went swimming yesterday and my shampoo spilt all over my bag and my quilt, so I had to wash everything. Not amused was I. I'm not sure if I'll go swimming today. I had a bad cramp in my leg this morning and I wouldn't want to upset it. Fitting the swimming into my schedule is more difficult now the light summer evenings are gone. If I stuck to my old times - aiming to be in the pool at half-5 - I'd be walking there and back in the dark, which I'm not comfortable with. Plus I destroyed my swimsuit by not rinsing it thoroughly enough, so I've had to borrow my mum's, which doesn't fit me all that well.

I'm also very sleepy. I went with Sveta to see Elizabethtown last night; it was the very last showing and we weren't home till near midnight, and of course I dicked about until about 1 in the morning. I need to go to bed at a decent hour tonight. I'll maybe ask Sharon to record Lost for me, and go to bed about half-10. I am not, however, missing Rome.

family, tv, quizzes, movies, swimming, comics

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