(no subject)

Sep 27, 2005 11:59

Your arch-nemesis is:Oscar Wilde

Why?Because he cheated at twister

The winner will be...It’s a tie

Take this quiz at QuizGalaxy.com


Teaching... wasn't great yesterday. Out of a class of ten, five showed up, and one of them hasn't been assigned a class yet so really only four showed up. I think the problem was the location - it was in the Elmwood Centre but no one knew what the abbreviation ELTC stood for, not did they know where it was - and possibly the time - they weren't expecting to have to go to tutorial so soon. Consequently, what I had been planning to do went out the window and I was left struggling to get a discussion going. It felt terrible at the time, but after talking it over with various people, I don't think I did too badly. It was the very first day back, after all, so I can't expect them to be geniuses. At least three of them began to contribute regularly and without me having to pick on them. I can only hope they learned something out of the grab-bag of questions I was tossing at them.

None of them have much experience with the eighteenth century, and as a tutor they of course expect me to know it all, so I feel a bit of a fraud as a teacher; the blind leading the blind. It was particularly difficult when they wanted to know specific details about people (do I look like a walking biography?). I think I managed to fluke through, but if they ever figure out that I know about as much as they do... >.<

Mum tells me I have more than enough accomplishments and recommendations for this role, and that they wouldn't have given me the job if they didn't think I could do it. But there are a lot of permanent staff on sabbatical this year, the school is currently being reorganised and is in disarray at the minute, plus being a teaching assistant is a tradition which almost counts as a compulsory element of the PhD. In the back of my mind I suspect that being "qualified" counts for very little.

There are some more people in Guthrie now, but I still don't think our flat is full. I don't know why the other residents haven't moved in yet. Maybe there are a lot of rooms which are just empty this year *shrugs*

I need to go get lunch; I have to hold my office hour at 1.

quizzes, teaching, halls

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