(no subject)

Feb 19, 2004 20:37

I am in love with Sydney Carton.

Trust me to get a crush on a Dickens character.

*bangs head on desk*

But the bit where he's wandering through Paris at night, repeating, "I am the resurrection and the life," quieting himself, and strengthening his resolution to replace Darney at the guillotine and fulfil his promise to Lucie is just so so sweet! I just wanna hug him and hug him and hug him. Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, no kill Carton!


Oh, and we found our wheelie bin (it had been stolen last week while I was absent). So we stole it back ;P


Ugh. Last night (probably more like this morning actually) a crowd of very shouty guys were on our street. Morons woke me up. Thing is, I could swear that they were shouting about prophecy. Over and over again, about prophecy. Which they couldn't have been. Their shouting must have got mixed up with my stressed out thoughts about my PhD.


Lesley got a job offer: yay! In order to accept Lesley needs to live in Belfast: hm. James won't be left here til the end of March, the room has been kinda half-promised to Dee, Pamela is planning on moving back home permanently in the summer, Joanna wants to leave Ulsterville altogether, upshot is that things here are in too much confusion and I don't know whether she can move in with us or not: boo!

Pamela knows some guy in work who is looking to rent out a room, probably just to fill up a contract he's signed. The room is in - guess - Meadowbank. Where Lesley and I used to live together oh so long ago when we were young and innocent, and where we had to put up with Becki for one long long year. I found that hilarious. Well, crooked-smile-inducing, anyway.


Had meeting with my supervisor on Tuesday.

Good news: he liked the stuff I did on Monday. Thought it had real potential as a chapter, or an article. He reckons I've got a good ground base of work done. He's moved the potential date of differentiation back to May instead of March, which is a kind of relief because I am in no way ready for March.

Bad news: my own opinion of my ground work is not as optimistic as his. And he was pressuring me to come up with a much more detailed plan for my PhD than I could give him. I think he was pissed off when I fumbled over my answer. Actually, I think he's just generally pissed off that I'm not ready for differentiation yet.

Of course, my impression about how the meeting went wasn't improved by the fact that he phoned me to tell me about it. Normally we communicate by e-mail, but there was one stage where we exchanged phone numbers. I'd e-mailed him on Sunday to ask for a meeting. And he called me on Tuesday, in the middle of my grocery shopping, to tell me to meet him at 12.30. Instant Panic! If I'd got the request for a meeting through e-mail, I would have been fine. But he called me! In the middle of my grocery shopping! *hyperventilates*

friends, phd, grouch & grumble, housemates, fancying fictitious characters

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