More slabber about the petty details of my life

Jul 21, 2005 10:35

I swear, feet, if you blister today again, I'll cut you off and trade you in for a new pair. I'm fast running out of plasters. Also, brain, how can I go to bed with Adam and the Ants' "Prince Charming" in my head and wake up with Green Day's "Holiday"?

And Penny, stop moving my food in the fridge. That bottom shelf is practically unuseable; it semi-freezes anything fresh which is left on it (ice crystals in your vegetables and ham are NOT nice) and I'm tired of trying to balance stuff on that layer of ice so that it doesn't all slide out when the door opens. That leaves us with two useable shelves, in a kitchen with five people. Now I do my damnedest to take up as little space as possible and I put my stuff at the very back, well out of your way, but you've got to give as well as take, you passive-aggressive bitch.* Yeah, I'm talking to you. I'm also not happy about you hiding my sink-tidy and cutlery on me, or using my oven-trays and not washing them. I pay the same rent that you do and I have the same right to that kitchen. And I have much more right to my own stuff than you, kthnxdie.

Oh, and refusing to tell me where your conference was because it would "spoil the mystery"? What. The. Hell?!? Your thesis is on holy sites in Ireland, it's hardly a matter of national security where your conference was. Plus, what was I gonna do with that information? The conference was already over, it's not like I could go blow it up or something! Good grief.

*Yeah, I know it's hypocritical of me to accuse her of passive aggression when I'm writing about this in LJ.

Thank goodness I'm moving out in September.

I hate getting up. Waking up's not great either, but the getting up is worse because you have to move. Life would be easier if I could go from awake to washed-dressed-and-breakfasted without having to do anything.

My clock's alarm has been strange since I came back. It doesn't sound the full alarm, just fractured bits of it. It sounds like the batteries are dying but it's still keeping perfect time. Yesterday morning it was back to normal and I thought the problem had fixed itself, but this morning, it does the fractured thing again. Mind you, it's not half as annoying now as it is when it's working. I have possibly the most irritating alarm in the world - fake, mechanical bird-twittering, followed by a plinky-plonky tune, and when I turn it off, it says, "Good morning!" in a ridiculously cheerful tone.

Swimming was fun yesterday. I got goggles ok, then discovered at pool-side that you had to wear a swimcap too. Luckily the nice lifeguard lent me one. I only did half-lengths; I'm not strong or fit enough to try full lengths, and since I'm not a good swimmer, I prefer to stay where my feet can touch the bottom. I didn't count how many I did - I can't be bothered with that - but I stayed about an hour and I spent most of that swimming up and down. I'm getting the whole exhale-underwater thing too, which was good because there was one guy near me who was splashing all over the place and would have given me a mouthful of water if I'd been keeping my head above water. I was thinking about going again today, but I got all my blister plasters washed off and had to replace them when I got home, so I decided against that.

I wonder if they make goggles with corrective lenses in them. One bad thing about going to the pool is I have to walk around not being able to see anything. Now if I could get goggles with the same lenses as my glasses in them, it'd be great.

And now, an apology. These last few entries have been pretty inane, I know. Not much happens in my life that's ripe for LiveJournal exploitation, but every time I come here, I feel like I ought to make a post, so for lack of anything better, you get a list of the banalities in my life.

bitching, swimming, random babble

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