(no subject)

Jan 05, 2018 17:52

So. Trying to be more sociable and (re)connect with folk, be more proactive about my life...

I’m terrified.

I am not the most socially savvy of people. I am the one who will sit silently in between two different conversations and be part of neither. I compartmentalise my life e.g. the people from work don’t appear in my life outside of work and if I do meet them outside of work, I find it awkward and embarrassing and I can’t get away fast enough, particularly if they meet me alongside people I know from a different compartment of my life. I don’t know what I’m doing.

The above has been inspired by my discovery of “the island game” in a book. I don’t know if anyone has ever heard about this before or played it; it sounds like the kind of thing people would do at sleepovers. Anyway, not gonna describe the game itself here but let’s just say my answers were depressingly on-the-nose... And it just got me thinking

wanted one life, resolutions, that sinking feeling, navel-gazing, got the blues, kicking my own ass, random babble, things that make you go hmm

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