I Like Monday 28

Aug 11, 2014 15:22

This Monday, I like... sketching to the MTV Music channels.

Edited from an image taken from Logopedia.

When I was an undergrad university student, music channels were often a default choice. As a first year experiencing insomnia, I would sneak down to the Art and Soul Room to watch VH1 until the sun rose, and in third year I spent whole evenings with my friend, Lesley, watching The Box and MTV - that's "MTV" with no other subtitle, back in the days when they still played music videos instead of "staged reality" shows about randy, drunken twentysomethings from Newcastle. But as a postgrad, I drifted away from the music channels; later on, I drifted away from contemporary rock and pop altogether, preferring to listen to Classic FM.

Recently, however, I've been finding my way back into modern music, and that has been partly due to my Sketchy Sundays. I can't watch a traditional TV show and draw at the same time, despite being female and thus an allegedly natural multi-tasker. I could turn the TV off, of course, but I like the chatter and colour of it in the background. The great thing about music videos is that you don't have to watch them, you can just listen. And if I can't think of anything to draw, I might see an image on the screen or pick up the mood of a song, which will inspire that day's picture. My usual ports of call are MTV Rocks and MTV Classic, although I also go to Magic or Kerrang! from time to time, and they have got me out of sketcher's block several times.

So there you go, music channels: recommended viewing for Sunday Sketchers.

sketchy sundays, tv, happy happy joy joy, music, i like mondays

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