Reasons to Despair of Humanity No. 905

Jun 14, 2014 20:25

So I need white shoes to go with my outfit for my brother's wedding. You would think that would be easy, right? Wrong! All either too casual or too short or too big or too high-heeled ARRRGH!!!!! I have trailed through a dozen or more shoe shops and found nothing, so I have been reduced to ordering from Amazon, the evil blighters.

Anyway, whilst scrolling through their list of "white shoes women", I came across these monstrosities. I actually swore out loud when I saw them. OW TOES HOW THE FUDGSICLES DO YOU WALK SHOES ARE SUPPOSED TO ALLOW YOU TO WALK I DON'T EVEN AUGH!!!!

This just confirms my conviction that fashion is evil.

well that's weird, freakout!, tmi

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