Blast from the fanfic past

Mar 04, 2014 19:00

So, for reasons that I'm not going to go into for the minute, I went searching back through some old notebooks and found my bullet-pointed summary of "Ancient legends + history of Ponyland (Terra Equerum)". Oh boy. This was... pretty ambitious. I mean, I don't know when I thought I was going to get time to write such an epic. o.O' The bullet-point version, with some editing for better clarity, is underneath the cut below.

A confession: while the vast majority of names (bar any characters created by Hasbro) are my own invention, there are five which aren't. Seraph, Shade, Starbirth, Wind Chaser and Brutus were all inspired by fan art posted by "Bouncy" on the old Quacker County message board. 'Starbirth', 'Wind Chaser' and 'Brutus' were the names actually used by Bouncy for the characters she had created; 'Seraph' and 'Shade' were adapted from her original names of 'Seraphim' and 'Shadowglory'.

The ponies' story of creation - the Light vs the Darkness.

The Peacetime - all creatures lived in one world.

The rise of dark powers, accompanied by demons - humanity in terror worships the demons + allows them to overrun the world - the ponies enslaved - in the west remains an enclave of free ponies protected by magic, called Refuge.

The twin offspring of Sorrell + Brutus: Seraph + her elder sister Shade - Shade touched by minor demons at birth + her character cursed - their flight to Refuge - Seraph's strange power.

The orphan pony Scar - parentage unknown, adopted by the powerful warlord demon Mortus who recognises great power in him - prophecy regarding Scar's offspring - Scar becomes a highly respected demon-commander under Mortus.

Starbirth is born on a night of comets - Clearwater, de facto leader of Refuge, banishes a discontent Shade - Seraph leaves to find her sister - birth of Wind Chaser, Clearwater's daughter.

The separate adventures of the twin sisters - Brutus, their father, who does not believe in magic or prophecies - Seraph's growing powers + understanding of what is to happen - Shade joins the armies of Mortus - her meeting with Scar - Mortus, remembering the prophecies, forces them apart - Shade begins to awaken Scar's conscience.

The adventures of Starbirth + first contact with the Seaponies - the rise to power of Spider within Refuge.

The adventures of the Wildriders, escaped ponies who instead of fleeing to Refuge stayed to wage guerilla warfare - their leader, Bandit + his many clashes with Scar - his rescue of Seraph + unrequited love for her.

The Slavery Tales - Jackrabbit, who successfully tricks humans + evil beings on many occasions - Tenderness, who becomes so devoted to her gentle human owner that she sacrifices herself to save the girl from a great dragon - the defense of Littleplace; ponies save their human owners from a troll but are then betrayed by said owners to the same troll - the love stories of Fleet + Gingerbread (NOT the same as the toy; the present Gingerbread is named in honour of her legendary ancestor), Cloudtoucher + Mayflower, Bold + Courage - the tragedy of Poor Fizz, the baby pony nobody wanted, who kills herself to save her faithless lover, Metro.

The Demon Wars: struggle for ultimate control between Mortus + other major demons - Scar + Shade continue to see each other in secret - both begin to question their role supporting the demons - Shade demonstrates sudden powerful magic - the Wildriders fight on - Spider tightens his grip on Refuge + Starbirth flees - Spider makes a move on Wind Chaser - when she refuses, he imprisons her.

Mortus emerges victorious - the march on Refuge - Shade is pregnant by Scar + flees the army - Mortus tries to execute Scar but he escapes + becomes a lone wanderer, undermining the demons as best he can - joins the Wildriders - though he is distrusted, Seraph accepts him - she knows he is her lost sister's lover but does not reveal her own identity to him - in Refuge Spider has become a vicious tyrant - the adventures of Starbirth + discovery of a pegasus-exclusive retreat called Windways - Starbirth comes into conflict with Windways's ruler, Excelsis, over the 'wings-only' philosophy - his relationship with Heavenward, Excelsis's daughter.

The birth of Shade + Scar's son, Hawkesblud, the first ever white unicorn - Shade decides to return to Refuge.

In Refuge, Wind Chaser escapes with a band of other prisoners, including a now-very old Sorrell - discovery of the Undertunnels + a resistance to Spider's rule under the leadership of Sorrell, Wind Chaser + the Flutter pony, Bittersweet.

Starbirth insists on turning Windways into a second Refuge + Excelsis reluctantly persuaded - Excelsis killed trying to help an earth family - Windways split into two factions between Starbirth + Heavenward, + Morning Star, Excelsis's son + heir - the massacre of Windways - Starbith + Heavenward banished - death of Heavenward, killed by the survivors of the massacre - Starbirth escapes + retreats to join his Seapony friends to grieve; Heavenward had been pregnant.

The Seapony Sagas - the adventures of Captain + Blue Dreams - the Serpent Wars (on + off from well before the birth of Seraph + Shade up until Shade's banishment from Refuge) - recovery of the half-mythic SeaStar, which gives power over currents, winds + bodies of water including clouds - birth of Captain + Blue Dreams's daughter, Seawife - Seawife travels inland to explore (occurs around the start of the Demon Wars) - her adventures + discovery of the Great Waterfall - her journey past the Great Waterfall into the Jewelled Plateau + first contact with an isolated Seapony community in Lake Crystal - first contact with the Butterfly ponies - a war has long raged between the two, at this time under the leadership of Starspark (Butterfly) + Tsunami (Seapony) - Seawife attempts to bring them together to fight the invading forces of the demon Ravage - Seawife held captive by the Butterflies but rescues several of their number after an attack by Ravage, including Starspark's wife + child, Mistletoe + Wink - Starspark persuaded to listen but a 'rescue' team led by Seapony second-in-command, Cutty Sark, intervenes + Wink is drowned despite Seawife's efforts - in retaliation, Lake Crystal is attacked + Seawife is mortally wounded - Mistletoe intervenes for peace, reminding Starspark that Seawife had saved her - Cutty apologises for Wink's death + peace established - Seawife dies - joint war vs Ravage - Ravage poisons Lake Crystal - Tsunami + Cutty Sark die - remaining Seaponies flee under the leadership of Blue Moon, following Seawife's route out of the Jewelled Plateau - the Butterflies continue the war with Ravage + promise to send messengers when Lake Crystal is poison-free again - the Lake Crystal Seaponies join the other Seaponies - Bluemoon meets + falls in love with Goldspur, the great-nephew of Seawife: he is son of Shingle, daughter of Skipper who was Seawife's younger brother, born after she left - at this point, the Seaponies are joined by the grieving Starbirth, who decides to go to the Jewelled Plateau to help vs Ravage.

The War of the Jewelled Plateau: Starbirth + the Butterflies fight Ravage's forces + try to heal Lake Crystal - joined in the fight by a group of Flutters under Mustardseed + Gossamer - the adventures + bravery of the Butterfly warrior, Finch, + the Flutter commander, Muse - victory over Ravage

Stories of the Resistance in Refuge - the prophecies of Sorrell - Wind Chaser begins to suspect that Spider is in league with the demons - the death of Bittersweet - the adventures of Bittersweet's son, Orbit, + his love for Delicate - Spider's imprisonment + rape of Delicate, leading to her death - Orbit wants to seek vengeance but is restrained by Wind Chaser + Sorrell.

Shade + her child Hawkesblud reach Refuge + are taken prisoner by Spider - Hawkesblud unleashes awesome power + they escape to the Undertunnels - death of Sorrell.

The Wildriders continue to stall the march on Refuge - humans begin to join the fight, including the bowmaid, Rachael DeTourney, the hot-headed sorceror, Thomas, + the former mercenary, Alexa - Scar proves his worth to the Wildriders - Mortus becomes aware of Seraph's existence

Starbirth decides to return to Windways + properly mourn Heavenward - he is joined by Finch + Muse - they discover Windways in ruins as earth + unicorn forces fight the original pegasi inhabitants - they seek to establish peace - Morning Star, mad with hatred for non-pegasi + Starbirth, sets fire to Windways but is trapped in the flames - he is rescued by Finch + an earth pony called Lantern, but dies soon after - Starbirth takes control of the pegasi + seeks peace - he has a dream of Heavenward, who warns him he must return to Refuge because 'a dear one' needs him - he leaves Finch + Muse behind to oversee the joint rebuilding of Windways.

The prophecies of the Seapony Octopus start the Seapony Migration inland, under Goldspur + Bluemoon - on the Jewelled Plateau, restoration work continues on Lake Crystal - the love story of Candlewick + Button (again NOT the toy) - the final healing of Lake Crystal - the Butterfly pony Sprite is sent to fetch the Lake Crystal Seaponies home - his adventures - he joins up with the Wildriders.

Mortus becomes obsessed with hunting down Seraph - internal conflicts + splits within his army - Scar returns to Mortus, acting as a double agent.

Starbirth joins the Resistance in Refuge - Orbit is sent to fetch the Windways + Jewelled Plateau forces - Starbirth + Wind Chaser fall in love under the precocious eye of Hawkesblud - the Resistance is broken by Spider + scattered - Shade runs straight into Mortus's troops + taken captive - she is tortured but refuses to reveal that she has given birth to Hawkesblud - Scar is angry with her, believing his child is dead - Shade is angry with him, believing that he has remained with Mortus all this time.

The adventures of Orbit + the merging of the Windways + Jewelled Plateau troops - they are joined by the Seaponies - Bluemoon + Goldspur have a daughter, Bright Star, who unlocks the power of the SeaStar.

Mortus's army finally arrives at Refuge + Spider welcomes them in - Starbirth + Wind Chaser have a daughter, Regina, the second ever white unicorn + join the Wildriders - Starbirth recognises Seraph + informs the Wildriders of the occupation of Refuge - inside Refuge, Scar helps several prisoners escape, including his son Hawkesblud, whom of course he does not recognise - Scar is caught + imprisoned - Shade reveals to him the truth about their son.

The Siege of Refuge by the Wildriders - the stories of Passion + Blackjack, Sunstorm + Whisper - Hawkesblud + Regina meet - their adventures + growing powers.

Mortus decides to execute Scar + Shade for treachery - Seraph offers herself in their place - ceasefire called for the exchange + the two forces meet on the Final Plain.

Rebellious factions within Mortus's troops break the ceasefire ahead of schedule - the Battle of the Final Plain - Bandit's death trying to save Seraph - the battles of Scar + Shade - the arrival of Orbit with the Seaponies + the Windways/Jewelled Plateau forces - the flooding of Refuge to create Lake Peace.

Seraph's journey through the battle to meet Mortus - her sacrificial death at Mortus's hands + dissipation of her power.

The sudden arrival of Hawkesblud + Regina - their destruction of Mortus + his army - Seraph reappears as a messenger of the Light - her decree re: the establishment of the Royal White Unicorn line, beginning with Hawkesblud + Regina - the decision to split the world of humans + ponies apart, with the ponies as buffers between the Darkness + the weak humans - Seraph reveals that her power has spread throughout all pony breeds + races, granting each of them access to the magic of the Light - she appoints Scribe to chronicle the history of this time.

The crowning of Hawkesblud + Regina.

Sprite delivers his message re: Lake Crystal to the Seaponies - the decision to form communities in Lake Peace, Lake Crystal, the Coral Sea + at the Great Waterfall.

Scar's search for his parentage.

The marriage of Orbit + Muse - the Flutters' quest beyond the Jewelled Plateau for their fabled homeland.

The completion of Windways, renamed Dream Castle.

Shade disappears into the Wilderness where the demons + dark things were drive - it is said that there she seeks endlessly to avenge her sister's death + keep the evil beings from overrunning the land again.

The death of Scar + his burial.

Starbirth + Wind Chaser move to Coral Island to live near Starbirth's Seapony friends - they are joined by some of the Resistance survivors.

The adventures of the various Wildriders - Scribe's travels to gather stories for his chronicles - Sweetpea + the restoration of the woods - Harmony + the memorial to Bandit - Rocksteady + the last exploration team to the White Mountains.

Tales from the Restoration - the birth of the first Princess pony, Princess Argent, + the creation of the Crystal Wands to harness, control + contain the wild magic left behind from the various wars - Alpine + Wintergreen - the first Seapony Conclave + decision to accept the overlordship of Hawkesblud + Regina - the growing relationship between these first two Royal Whites + eventual marriage - the birth of the first Royal White heir, Crown Prince Solar - Regina's prophecies of madness + tyranny along the Royal White bloodline

Tales of the Royal White Unicorns: good rulers + bad, sanity + madness, freedom + tyranny, + the incredible powers of these monarchs - including Empress, Cleopatra, Blue Lotus, Prism, Sultan, Imperial, Halo, Cleareye, Sparkle, Homer, Earthlord, Wildfire, Flare, Lucky, Desdemona, Solar III, Regent, Sunshine (NOT the toy) - finally to the tyrant, Tiberius, + his Crown Princess daughters, Damoiselle + Ladyfayre - Ladyfayre's love for Vagabond, from the White Mountains - their overthrow of Tiberius + birth of Twilight + younger sister Crown Princess Majesty (YES, the toys), the latter a throwback to her great-great-great-great grandmother, Blue Lotus.

And if you read all that, go have a lie down; you've earned it lol.

ponies, writing

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