Sketchy Sunday 7

Feb 16, 2014 13:13

(And if you want to see it bigger, click here.)

Oh man, how do animators/comic artists make sure that their characters look consistent throughout the movie/panels?!? This was HARD!! I drew Monday's panel pretty quickly but every day afterwards took AGES to make sure the characters were recognisably the same. And yes, I am aware that the sizes of their heads kept changing!

The first page looks rather smudged but that's because my archer guy from last week was showing through the page. >.< Also Mr Grumpy's expression on Tuesday and Wednesday gave me so much trouble. Damn I must have rubbed his head out a hundred odd times on Tuesday trying to get that mouth right!!!!

But I love that dragon! He was the simplest thing to draw each day; I pretty much got him in one go every time (except for his tail on Saturday/Sunday).

As to why a dragon, originally I was going to use my hooded dragon lady from week 4, because she struck me as an awesome character. Then I saw Paperman on tv (<3), so my woman ended up looking more like the female protagonist from that short. The dragon, however, stayed. I did consider making it a dog before I started but it just didn't appeal as much as the idea of a dragon biting the nasty man's butt. XD

sketchy sundays, pictures & photos, comics

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