It snooooooooooowwwed

Dec 06, 2010 20:16

And snowed and snowed and snowed... Proper, puffy, powdery, sparkly, deep deep deep snow! Well, ok, it's maybe not that deep in comparison to, say, Alaska, but it is deep for around here. I came out to find a whole foot-and-a-bit of snow sitting in a square block on my car roof.

...Problem is, it snowed all last week too, on and off. And then it froze. And then it sleeted a bit. And then Saturday and yesterday, it turned to solid ice. So now there is snow on top of ice. Not the greatest of driving condition. By the time I got home from work, my back ached from the tension.

But kicking it around the yard and tossing handfuls into the air is fun :D The world looks beautiful, buried in pure glittering whiteness, the dark lines of the trees and the soft rounded humps of snow. (You're gonna have to imagine this cos I haven't taken any pictures... yet.)

cool things, weather

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