Apr 08, 2005 00:20
well im kind of in a depressed state im not sure why.. i think this whole single thing is kickin my ass.. i dont like it.. i know i sound gay but i watched the girl next door last night and it made me pissed off cuz i want someone like that so bad.. it drives me nuts.. id love to hear someone say to me that they love the way i look at them.. even though i dont care who the hell reads this its all my personal thoughts so i could careless what anyone wants to read.. or say..
i went on a no laughing binge for 21 hours today.. it was kind of easy til i went to kips house.. clay walbert got me though.. i just got back from walking for awhile even though its freezing outside.. i did my usual thinking walk so i think thats what put me in a foul mood.. i just cant wait to get past all of this.. and get on with what i wanna do.. takes time i guess.. but id rather find someone as much as being involved with music.. i think i need it just as bad.. i think i just get depressed because all the girls in cville as my friends and i dont get jack.. and it sucks..
then you hear people say im a dickface cuz i quit school.. well that sucks cuz i dont need that.. i know what im doin you worry about your life you know..
it sucks mr showalter died.. ill be there on monday buddy.. he was a good shit thats for sure.. he'd come to my funeral if i died you know? i hope a lot of people go actually..
ive been listening to a lot of primus lately.. its pretty fuckin rock if you ask me..i watched their dvd at chicago and its nuts.. i love it.. i love how they jammed out to american life forever on it.. thats my favorite song of theirs..
well i guess you can just say i suck ass right now.. hopefully things will be a lil better if not.. fuck it you know.. i cant worry my life away