Mar 26, 2011 17:41
Hi everyone, I'm on vacation in Singapore til March 30th. Despite having traveled 7 hours from Tokyo, only 1hr time difference. XD
Been here for one full day, and it has been most enjoyable: museum, river cruise, historical geekery, and dericious durian-flavored ice cream! Got very tired feet, so I'm resting up for another jaunt out later to the Mustafa Centre, XBOX HUGE superstore in the area.
Went to the Asian Civilizations Museum and to my luck they were having an open house, which meant free admission! Also saw an African dance performance there, and the museum has a lot of exhibits and nicely laid out. Didn't see all the exhibits--it's pretty massive, as it covers East and West Asia.
Sadly, smrt me forgot to pack my USB cord, so while I have lots of photos, will not be uploading them til I'm back in j-land.
Now I'm resting up for a jaunt out to the Mustafa Center, an huge superstore with lots of cheap goods.