I don't remember when I wrote this exactly, but I do remember the night before I had the dream I was looking at alot of Giger paintings/drawings. If you're not familiar with who Giger is, he's the guy who made Aliens backgrounds and designed alot of what they look like. He's one crazy mo-fo cuz if you look at his work it's all based in cannibalism and sex. All of it. You have to look at it from a few angles but whe you get the hang of it, it's unmistakable. It's freaky and disturbing. I forgot why I was looking at the stuff though. Led to some crazy dreams.
Title: As It Seems
Author: Rhion
Rating: R - disturbing themes.
Summary: Do not sip the whisky burn, embrace it for it makes you forget...Forget....
Disclaimer: I sure as hell don't own these charicters, and I'm sure no one'd readily realize who these people are.
Feedback: Not this time folks. Questions are welcome though. I think.
A/N: This is what happens when you stay up all night when you're exhausted, talking with your dad about Giger over a bottle of whiskey (him) and a bottle of butterscotch schnapps (me). So I go to sleep and this whole little story is waiting for me in nightmare format. You'll understand why it was a nightmare in a few, but let me just say that 1) the nurse is two people, and the main charicter in this doesn't remember that - she only remember's whoever is standing in front of her - and even then that's patchy. 2) I dreamt I was the POV in this one - and this is EXACTLY how I dreamed it. Absolutely no deviation. *shudders. * Also if you do a Google search on Giger you'll see how disturbing his artwork is, but he is the guy who did Alien's design and such - and that was his TAME stuff.
Warning: Charicter Deaths. Multiple ones.
I've had more and more lucid days. In this strange place I'm the only sane one except for the nurses.
Shifting my naked form on the odd twisting, melted looking metal bench that was my bed, I waited for my favorite nurse to come.
She would brush out my long red hair, I was the only one left here with hair that wasn't part of the med team, and I'd revel in it. Her soft brown eyes were so soothing, and her scent was the ultimate peace.
A new nurse she was.
Today she was pulling me out into the corridor - I never liked goiong there.
Probably because the gravety here was negligable, and you could walk along any wall you wished. Oh no - that wasn't the disturbing part. The disturbing part was how women - almost as big as whales, shaved completely clean, naked but for a few metal pieces, so very pregnant, and some not at all - who had been walking on a side wall, would stretch one leg down to the other floor. Not a one was sane - the human government wanted us that way; I think it's because of my mutation that I'm able to work my way through the drugs to stay sane.
No my little nurse - she brings me out to this corridor where I can see how truly demented our lot is, gentel smile on her face, and the trace of a Southern lilt to her voice - probably trying to help me work my way through the drugs. She's my only friend here - we have an understanding. "See? You're not like them are you?"
I shake my head and my nurse is standing there - he's new, and while he grunts at you like everyother big armed hairy male nurse here, his eyes warm when they see me. He tends to be quiet but he urges me to wander from my room, says sweet things to me, trying to make sure I flush whateverthehell's in my system. I like him - and if he weren't human I'd probably try with him what most of the male nurses go ahead force on the 'wards of the state'. And I'd do so willingly.
He seems so solid in this macabre, depressing place - a touch of nature in this unnatural man-made hell.
He comes forwrad to hug me - to ease the disturbed feeling I get when I see the women here, used like cattle to breed soldiers for the human armies. Funny we're not good enough to be free, but we're good enough to make weapons for the humans to use.
Hugging my nurse back, her smell is different and somethign wells up isnide me and I whisper in her ear: "You're gonna be expectin' somethin' real soon."
Ah yes it's the absence of the blood smell that comes on her every month, just as it does on me.
She just hugs me harder to her and says, "You're all she has left."
He holds me tight, "You're all she has left, Marie - you're all she has left."
And bits come back in a rush.
{{"Too many of them!!" Scott running into the fray tearing his visor off and killing as many of them as he could. Dying in the process.}}
{{The feel of skin after so long, pale hand on the red-head beauty knowing she was dying from wounds, she just wanted a final caress.}}
{{Control gained on the run with Logan. Making love under moon-lit skies, we had felt different that time though. And we didn't know, we didn't know as the sky opened up above us, the ground underneath us, a connection that should've been controled. He died in my arms, a sweet smile on his face telling me he loved me.}}
Shuddering under the onslaught, an inner voice wafts up, 'You're all she's got, you're all shes got'.
{{This place, not so long ago, me over a toilet retching.}}
I run my hand over my flat stomach and feel its not flat, but smooth and rounded, full and heavy.
And my nurse is gone, I'm alone but only for a few months. I must try to plan, try to get away. Try.
Afterall - I'm all she's got.
**A/N: Ok - I know that probably didn't make much sense, but that's exactly what I dreamed. And in the dream it made sense. Like seeing all the angles on one of Giger's paintings. So just incase what was happening here wasn't understood I'll give you a rundown.
1) It's Marie's POV really.
2) Her 'nurse' is both herself as she was and Logan.
3) She thinks she's Jean there for awhile - that's the personality that was forfront for some reason.
4) She really is pregnant but at first doesn't realize it.
5) The MRA has come into effect and all surviving mutants - female ones at least - are impregnated while they're given drugs to make them loose touch with reality.
6) Marie's inner personalities are trying to wake her up from this, though it's not a kindness. Not really.
7) No she won't get away.