Aug 14, 2006 13:57
Hello friends. How are you? Has your summer gone well?
It's been a while since I've updated here. Life has been really crazy lately, though it looks like things might finally settle down again. For a while there, Heather and I thought we might be moving somewhere new, but it doesn't look like it's going to happen now. So we'll be looking soon for a new place in Potsdam, and hopefully starting to look elsewhere for new places to live in the near future.
Yeah, that sounds vague. I suppose in a number of ways, our lives are vague right now. Not our relationship with one another of course; that gets stronger and more substantial by the day. Sometimes it feels like the only real thing in my life. Maybe in a lot of ways it is; I know it's one of the few things that remains constant even with all the flux in every other aspect of our lives.
It's okay though. One of the worst things someone can go through is uncertainty in so many areas of ones life. I think now the most important thing for us to find is stability, wherever that may be. We'd hoped we would find it elsewhere, but if we can find it in Potsdam, for whatever length of time it may be able to provide it, then all the better for us.
Wow, summer is winding down. That's great. This is one of my favorite times of the year. The heat is dissapearing, and time was that this would be the start of school (another positive note in my life while I attended it), reconnecting with friends, moving back to Mount Pleasant and the freedom it afforded me. Also the fall, harbinger of winter and my birthday, as well as the joy of Christmas.
Yeah... maybe things aren't that bad after all. When you have less than you want, the value of those things that you do have seems to explode, filling the gaps you thought were there. No man is poor who has true friends by his side.
Okay, I'm a'ramblin here. I hope the new school year holds as much promise for those reading this as I pray it does for Heather and I.
Quote of the :
"We just crossed the Mason-Dixon line!"
"What's that smell?"
-Between my wife and I