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Apr 22, 2009 23:18

Who: Dasarth, Gedroth, and Chielyth
When: Afternoon on day 16, month 7, turn 19
Where: Southern Bowl, Fort Weyr
What: Gedroth gets caught in the act of snooping on somebody else's dreams - and that somebody is a moody Dasarth. He gets some surprisingly sage advice from the bronze before going on to play with Chielyth, to Dasarth's disgust.

Let sleeping dragons lie. Especially when the dragon is Dasarth who's been having a rough seven and has been agitated in all he does. Right now he sleeps fitfully right outside the door to the weyrling barracks. His bulk is pressed against the bowl wall and the tip of his tail twitch, twitch, twitches as he dreams. In his dream he flies around in a heavy mist. Ever downward he goes unable to find the ground and there's a rising sense of panic from the bronze that seeps into the dream as the army in his head gets more and more nervous and frightened at the endless mist covering the ground he cannot fly to.

Gedroth's resting in the bowl, stretched out and sunning himself, and to the outside observer he might appear to be asleep. His eyes are closed, after all. But his mind is tuned to Dasarth's, having carefully insinuated itself with little murmurs of mental attention until he can see the dream, almost as clearly as Dasarth. Which is to say not very clearly. He gives the bronze's mind a nudge, floating a thought towards him: mist parting before him, land coming into being.

In the dream the ground is invisible. Oh, Dasarth can hear the ground because it whispers in the mist calling to him. Taunting him to come find it and after every time the mist thickens. Now it grows out of itself into tendrils reaching for the little bronze so that even if he were to find the ground it would hold him back. And in that mess of lost there's something else? All at once Dasarth is not worrying about the ground, but whatever it is, whoever it is, who's come in. Hunting now.

There is a flash of river, writhing in the tendrils of the ground. It's a familiar, obnoxious river: buzzing with flies, heavy with heat. It's there for a moment and then gone, sucking inwards as though siphoned out through an invisible drain. Then there's just land there, and the faint sense that some invisible wall remains, hiding a foreign object.

Prey! Forget trying to get to the ground. The army awakens fully and there's a clashing in the mist as arms are taken up. The scouts are set out stealthy like. Dasarth seeks so quietly while seeming to do the opposite. This dual hunt should find him the interloper and bring him or her to justice. How dare someone invade? There will be retribution!

The spy is fooled, and settles in to watch the army from afar. A scout stumbles upon the river presence once again, completely out of place among a patch of trees. A shape in the water flares its wings with a startled beep, then snaps out of its existence. This time, it's actually gone, leaving only a vague imprint of its presence behind, like a lingering fragrance or a footstep. Out in the bowl, Gedroth opens his eyes and stretches, shooting a covert look at the form of Dasarth.

Oh, the army is brilliant. They all know their part and they are not afraid of anyone or anything ever. No, they're ready and waiting and once the scout has something on they go. And then Dasarth is awake and his eyes whirl rapidly as he rises to his feet. Still sleepy he stumbles a bit when he gets going, but his wings spread as he rushes over to where Gedroth lies. Probably funny looking to anyone watching. There's a mental rumble that doesn't try to sneak into the brown's mind but charges in. Here he comes. Be ready!

Gedroth tightens his muscles and shifts onto his stomach. All of a sudden he is crouching instead of just lying there, although he's not as intimidated by the bronze as he should be. The physical crouch shifts his mental state, as well, into something flexible yet not yielding, ready to defend itself if need be. His mental river coils up like a snake, and the agitated flies disappear in favor of grasshoppers rubbing their wings to create a ruckus in the middle of the day.

He doesn't attack. He does bull rush and get right up in the brown's space. There Dasarth stops with his wings still extended to show the brilliant crimson underneath it. Fear him! His tail swishes behind him again and again and he stares down at the brown while the army comes to order. Ready to attack, ready to march, ready to get to the end of it all. << What are you doing? >> the generals demand in a roar over the sound of crickets. Feet stomp and dust and blood fill the air.

Grasshoppers fly up from under the soldier's feet, even out of the bloody places they've stomped, becoming an endless army - locusts now. Their drone doesn't drown out the soldiers; it just adds to a general in that grows swiftly out of control. << Dasarth, I was watching. >> He says it without shame.

<< You are not allowed to watch. >> Dasarth is firm in this as his wings stay out, extend, flap just a little, and then draw back in to settle at his sides. << Stay. Out. >> This is a roar. Stomping and the clang of sword against shield accompany this command. << I will not see you in there again. My mind is not yours. >> There is a moment when the army stills and the generals confer. Then there's a flash of gold between them and an image of Elaruth. << And remain out of hers as well. >> He seems not to care about anything else.

Gedroth tilts his head at Dasarth, loosening his crouch somewhat. The bronze seems less likely to run him over now. << You were having a bad dream. If you had not interrupted, I could have changed it. Why is this bad? >> Elaruth's image ripples on the river, then hardens. The locusts buzz through the reeds. << I will ask her what she thinks about it, >> is all Gedroth offers on that front.

This is not good enough! Dasarth puffs up and talons pop out of one paw that scrapes at the ground. << Stay. Out. >> It's not a request. Not in the least. The bronze sits up straight with his head up and paw, paw, paws at the ground. << My mind is my own. You were not invited in. I do not want you in. Does she know of this? >> Insert image of Rhodya. Although a bit fuzzy as well, he doesn't always pay attention to people.

Gedroth watches that paw with interest, sticking his nose out to sniff at the ground Dasarth's targetting. Anything unusual there that attracted him? Not that the brown can tell. << I will ask her what she thinks about it, >> Gedroth repeats firmly, looking his bigger clutchsib in the eye. << But I will leave you alone. >> He clarifies the image of Rhodya, fussing over it until she looks as beautiful in their shared draconic image as she does whenever he looks at her. << She doesn't. She doesn't like to discuss dreams. >>

No, nothing in the ground. Just scratch, scratch, scratch to show off the talons. As for Rhodya she's not that important. Her prettiness is just accepted and glossed over. Big deal? << We will inform her of what you do. >> We. Like him and W'ton are really on speaking terms these last few days. << This is not right. We have not been taught this. This is not right. >> And doing things they have not been taught is wrong. Unless you're Dasarth.

The locust presence fades from Gedroth's mind, leaving behind only a few to buzz and hop about in search of comrades. It's the river that takes precedence now, its quiet burble rising to the core. Gedroth is thinking. It is entirely possible it has not occurred to him that this is not right. << Rho will decide what to do, then, >> the brown responds, rumbling out loud at the bronze. << If she says it is not right, I will stop. That would be a shame. It is really very interesting, and it could be so useful. >> His eyes whirl slowly in contemplation of the bronze, bits of mist now clinging to his mental presence as a reminder of Dasarth's dispelled bad dream.

The army stands down. While the soldiers are at the ready they are not pushing forward. Camp has been made and while they are ready to slap at locusts that get in the way the generals, for now, seem to think it safe. << So long as she knows what you did. It is important we do not keep things from our others. >> Wisdom! Great wisdom from one to another shared, for just that moment, between equals. But it better not go to his head! << You must never interfere without permission. >>

But Gedroth does let it go to his head. Now that Dasarth has treated him, however briefly, as his equal, the floodgates to affection are open. His nose bumps the bronze in the chest. << That is true, >> he admits without reserve, not at all afraid to admit he was wrong. << I didn't think of it that way, but you are right. I will check with Elaruth, and with the others, to see if they are okay with me listening to their dreams. >> He sighs, a bit dreamy himself, as tidbits of past dreams go floating through his head. << There are things Rho keeps from me, but I don't know the nature of them. I don't know if this is acceptable thing to keep. >>

Dasarth accepts the nose bump, but does not welcome it. Meaning he holds still and then levels a gaze upon the brown that is meant to explain he better not do it again. As for the bronze his head swivels like he is looking for something or maybe someone, but there's no interference. << They do have to keep things from us >> gets pointed out. << It is easy to find out. But we must only do so if we think it would be of danger to them. I know what is best so allow him some secrets. But he is so- >>

Gedroth flutters his wings, taking note of Dasarth's displeasure for all that it puzzles him. The question forms wordlessly over their mental link - why not? - but that's all the attention it gets. Most of Gedroth's attention is spent storing away Dasarth's continued wisdom, and there is a shifting of the river as he resorts the contents of his mind accordingly. Of...danger... got it. << What is he so? >> the brown asks idly, as questing locusts hop in among the soldiers.

<< I will not speak ill of him. >> Despite him being an ass. A jerk! Dasarth ruffles his wings and there's a hint of that crimson underneath again. The soldiers are suspicious of the locusts. But they hold their swords and allow them in the camp. Anywhere but the general's tent that's locked up tight. << He is as he is. And right now he is ridiculous. But that will change. >> Or else.

The locusts are perfectly mindless creatures, buzzing and hopping, crawling fearlessly on soldiers' swords. << Yes, he is having a tiff with Elaruth's. Mine talked to her yesterday. >> He flashes a hazy image of Hattie, surrounded by uncertainty. << I was not allowed to hear what they were talking about. >>

Mindless drones are enemies as much as anything else. Sailors twitch with the desire to slaughter, but the general holds them back. He's not got his other general to confer with so is just unsure about a lot. << She did not trust him. >> Despite Dasarth thinking W'ton's a fool he has to point out that, well, it was not /his/ fault. << They will- work it out. >> Although he cannot help the hesitation he can try to cover it up with bluster. No doubts!

Gedroth's nose inches up to Dasarth's shoulder, close enough that for a moment it seems like he'll forget about the bronze's injunction about touching. Nothing of the sort, though, he just wants to sniff again. << She didn't trust him, so he has changed? That doesn't make sense. >> Because W'ton has changed, Gedroth proves through more vague images of the bronzerider. He goes from laughing among a crowd to sulking on his cot.

<< That was not her fault. That was /his/ fault >> His. The picture of T'rev is lacking some in fuzziness because they Do Not Like him. << He said things to her that upset her and then she upset him. >> Swords rattle and the soldiers stomp up dust to cover everything. << She /hurt/ him. >> The words make it through the dust at least. Dasarth admits it casually like it means nothing although he mentions it so it must mean something.

Several of the locusts are cut down. The others take flight, buzzing away from the soldiers to seek safety in the long grass. << That is Mecaith's! >> Gedroth answers, perfectly happy to recognize his mentor even in this unwelcome context. << Chielyth's was angry at him, too. I remember that I told her he should not seek her out while he is angry. Mecaith is so smart. I wonder why his rider causes trouble. >> No judgment in this, either; the brown is purely reflective about the puzzling circumstance of good dragon, naughty rider. He's stretched out in the middle of the bowl, with Dasarth looming over him, on a sunny day.

Looming he is good at. Dasarth has never been one to slouch when he could sit upright. << I do not know Mecaith. >> And the tone implies he doesn't care to if he were so stupid as to pick a rider like that. He, after all, made an excellent choice. Even if his choice is somewhat grumpy this last seven. << His rider implied things. Said things. It upset people. >>

Chielyth comes galumphing from where Kai and other people are doing boring things, skidding to a stop with a bugle for her brothers. << Hi! >> she declares, and the sunshine on her wings has nothing on the scribbly version she shares with the boys. << It's sharding hot! >> Words plucked straight from Kai's lips, surely. She bounces a little at Gedroth, leaps over his tail and crouches to eye Dasarth. << What are you playing? >>

Gedroth has to lean around Dasarth to see who's bugling at him, but once he recognizes Chielyth he bugles back. His tail flicks up just after she's jumped it, making more of an obstacle should she care to try again. << We're not playing. But I was just talking about you, because Dasarth's rider is also angry at Mecaith's rider, like yours was long ago. >> Like a week? << Rho is friends with his rider, so he can't be bad. But maybe he's not very good at getting along with people. >>

As if! Dasarth turns a glower on Chielyth. << We are /not/ playing. >> More swords rattle and the soldiers get annoyed and stomp more on anything underfoot. They do not /play/. His head turns to the green and then back to the brown. << It is /polite/ to find out if one you speak to wishes everyone to know of what you speak. >> As in shut your trap already, sheesh. Only he's too dignified to say /that/. << Perhaps he only likes those like your rider >> gets mused and there's flickers of female forms.

Chielyth crouches under that glower, quelled but only fractionally so. << Well, -I- am. >> And she nudges Gedroth's flank with her head. Get up! Plaaaay! << What were you saying about me? Were you being mean again, Dasarth? >>

Gedroth gets up in answer to Chielyth's nudgings, but he pauses to consider Dasarth's words. This time the wisdom is not accepted. << Then conversations would not happen. Chielyth came so I told her what we were talking about, in case she wanted to join. Sometimes you should share, as I learned today. I'm sorry you didn't like it. >> That, at least, is genuine, judging by his tone. If that matters. << But now we can talk to Chielyth. >> He turns his flank into the green, leaning it against her face. What now!

Except now his feathers are ruffled. Metaphorically speaking and all. In actuality his wings do not move at all. << I am /not/ mean! >> Them's fighting words! The army lines up with swords drawn to beat on their shields. Booted feet stomp to bring up dust and there's trouble in the air. << I said /nothing/ about you. >> Dasarth's tone nearly implies she's not worth speaking about, but stops just short. Still, it's not polite. The bronze gets up and looks from brown to green. << No, I will not talk to her. She has been insulting. >>

<< You don't say nice things, >> Chielyth returns from behind Gedroth, almost entirely hidden by the brown. << Hey! >> She's being -leaned- on! Hind legs scrabble for purchase, and her tail lashes madly. And then, and then...! she leaps away, hopefully out of Gedroth-falling range, and crouches again to 'grin' at Dasarth. << You should play more, Dasarth. Then you wouldn't care so much about who says what. >>

Timbeeer! Gedroth plays along with the green's clever scheme, allowing himself to fall on his side with a whumpf. << I used to think you were mean, too, >> he admits to Dasarth. << But now I don't, because we've talked. Dasarth is actually very smart, >> he tells Chielyth in an aside. << I don't know why you won't talk to other dragons like you talked to me, Dasarth, because then they would know more about you. >> Locusts chirr and rub their little feelers together, pondering the question. Gedroth looks curiously at his clutchsib.

The bronze just stares at the green which means staring at the brown as well since Chielyth hides behind Gedroth for part of that. << I do not say things that are nice or mean. I simply speak what I need to say. >> The soldiers are not pleased. Here they were getting a little R&R, with occasional saber rattling, and now it's all insults again. << I fail to see how playing will make me uncaring. It will only distract me from my lessons. >> As for speaking more there's a general sense of something the bronze refuses to put into words. Just something that makes Dasarth unhappy. << I will not go around and...and play nice with the others so they might get to know me. If they wish to know me they can speak to me. >>

Chielyth bounces at her fallen foe, gleefully nudging at the brown and lashing him with her tail. Yay! Still, she has enough attention to tell Dasarth, << You do not have lessons -now-. >> A pointed look around at the utter lack of grown-up dragon. << So you can play! Bet you can't get my tail! >> Which appendage twitches as she springs once more at Gedroth. << Oh no! >> she declares, twinkling madly, << Gedroth fell down! He will never fly again! >> The tragedy, the woe!

Gedroth rolls over, his paws flailing helplessly up in the air as Chielyth beats him mercilessly with her nose and tail. The locusts in his mind let out a unanimous cheeeep. << Sometimes the things you say sound mean, even though they're not meant to be. That's what I figured out. I'm suggesting you try to be more polite when you are saying those things, because it gives the wrong impression. >> He rolls into Chielyth's next bounce, his forelegs catching the weight of her chest and bending down like springs to bear the weight. << Get ready, Chielyth, I am going to launch you! >> He /learned/ from that time they played tug-o-war.

<< I do not play. >> Simple as that. Dasarth is not interested. Nor is he interested in this weirdness going on. He looks at Gedroth and then Chielyth. << He is not injured. >> This is pointed out as if to a small child. Silly children! The bronze does not comprehend and so he is not interested in this. This play will not teach him. << Someone will get hurt. >> He warns this while coming to his feet. << I will not waste time with silly words. >> Charm? From him? Never! And since he is not interested in rough housing with them he heads off. The timing surely has nothing to do with what might have been a tall man exiting the weyrling barracks and trying to slink across the bowl without being noticed. Although the way Dasarth hurries without hurrying over to him is a dead giveaway.

Chielyth reigns triumphant! << Too bad, >> she sends after Dasarth, and simple as that, drops the bronze to concentrate on brown. << OooOooh! >> for launching, and scrabbles to get settled, wings tucked and ready. << Go! Gedroth, go! >>

<< Well, we'll talk again, >> Gedroth assures the bronze equanimously. Now that he knows Dasarth's secret - that he is not a jerk, just odd - he sees no reason not to. He tightens his toes a little, giving Chielyth a little tickle. << Okay, go! >> He launches her off, which turns out to be easier than he expected it to be, and a lot of force goes into it. Once he's done it, he rolls upright to see what the effect is.

Effect? Effect? One Chielyth, airborne. That's the effect! Not a particularly -graceful- flight, mind, but some hasty scrabbling of wings keeps her from meeting an ignominous end, faceplanted into the bowl. << Whee! >> Of course: whee. When she lands, finally, after cruising back to land fairly neatly beside her brother, she nudges him again. << That was fun! You should try it! >>

Gedroth drums his paws on the floor of the bowl, giving physical vent to his excitement over this mini-flight. When Chielyth comes back, he stands up to greet her, bumping her shoulder with his nose and generally fluttering about her. << That /looked/ fun! Can you do it? >> He bends to consider her relatively tiny legs. << You're kind of small. It's too bad Dasarth left, and that he won't play, because he'd be very good at launching me. >>

<< Mecaith could, >> Chielyth agrees, flapping her wings and bumping right back at her brother. << Dasarth is not big enough. But Mecaith could fly -him-! Then it would not be playing, because he is practicing! >> Isn't she clever, to come up with this idea? << Kai said he flew to the stars today, while I was sleeping! With Zaiventh! >> And she imagines, all scribbly crayon, how this must have happened: Kai launched into the air by the bronze, up up up! to the twinkling stars, yay!

Gedroth considers the sky in her image, then rumbles with laughter. He reaches into it himself, adding wings to Kai's shoulders, though he doesn't have Chielyth's knack for thinking with crayons, and his somewhat realistic looking wings seem out of place. << He shouldn't do that! >> the brown teases, rolling his shoulder into his clutchsib. << Then he might start thinking he doesn't need you to fly him places any more, and he will hurt himself. >> Kai's image flies straight into a wall with a cartoony crash that flattens him like a pancake, because Kai is silly like that, and hits walls all the time.

Oh no! Kai is hurt! Image-Chielyth rushes over to help, 'accidentally' steps on his wings and nudges pancake-Kai until he staggers to his feet and flings his arms about her neck. Without wings. << You're very smart, Gedroth. Of course Kai should not have wings. >> She bumps back, though her shoulder only hits his leg, and crouches again. << Let's fly back to Kai really! ...Where is she? *Scribbly Rhodya*? >>

<< Taking a nap. >> Scribbly Rhodya becomes clarified, very real and very beautiful (he did this for Dasarth earlier), but curled up on her cot in the barracks. << We can't fly in there. But I will fly to Kai with you, and we can remind him who gets to do the flying. >> He puffs himself up and trots forward a few steps. Then he pauses, drops into a crouch, and looks back. << Race you? >>

Chielyth ohs and considers the barracks, but Gedroth is right: no flying inside. Imoth would have words. She flips her wings instead and crouches lower, cocking an impish eye up at the brown. << A'right! >> Another word stolen from Kai. << Ready? >> One, two... three! Into the air she launches, tailtip flickering madly to lead her brother on.

gedroth, *weyrling, chielyth, dasarth

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