Not in Reality, Really

Dec 28, 2006 14:20

Haven't been there in a while. Been off in other worlds, been other people. Got kidnapped by books and fangirliness.

First, John was sweet enough to get me 'Soul of Lichien' as well as the manga I wanted for Christmas. I hadn't expected to be able to read it until after the holidays, so I sat down, starting reading, and got completely sucked in. There were some delightful surprises and twists, liberally sprinkled with dark slashiness. Some of the characters I disliked first time around I liked and characters I really liked I fell madly in love with.

The fun didn't end there. I was close to the end of both 'Greenmantle' by Charles de Lint and 'Maurice' by E.M. Forster. Only today did I finish both, because there was the holidays and many a fun present. One of them was a compilation of short stories by Storm Constantine called 'Mythania'. However, I was distracted from everything when I got my hands on 'The Virtu' by Sarah Monette, sequel to 'Melusine'. Whoo, more dark slash! Wheee! Not to mention I love Felix and Mildmay. Once again, I couldn't put the book down and read until the finish late in the night.

Think that's the end and I'm coming back to reality from all these books? Not a chance! The newest Tanya Huff book came out and I had a great time reading about the latest mischief former prostitute turned wizard Tony Foster got himself into...and the cast of 'Darkest Night'. Not to mention Henry Fitzroy. He may not be the smouldering undead lord Jean-Claude was/is, but he' It's amusing how he's a good Catholic, a simple romance writer, and an extremely possessive vampire without actually being evil. What's a poor bloodtoy to do when he goes from possession to wizard...and gets involved in show business? Not to mention you know all kinds of things the vampire cop show is getting wrong. :)=

My brain keeps getting kidnapped by Athrun angst and Athrun smut. With the occassional enigmatic comment from Neo. Yun Kouga has a beautiful picture of Athrun and Kira entwined with each other. Camille and Four look very pretty, too, though I actually didn't care much for Four in 'Z Gundam'. (what, sensei? No Char/Amuro?) Shinn and Rey, on the other hand, look a bit stiff.

A belated Happy Holidays to Everyone! Lots of hugs!
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