i swear to god just one more thing

Nov 13, 2004 20:01

When something is going alright another thing falls down around you. Lately it just seems everything has been slowing falling down and atleast if it fell down faster--in my opinion-- i could just start rebuilding everything.
but no...
So there I am...running out of energy...of breath trying to fix this while this is falling trying to catch this and save this from drowing and trying to keep my sanity. its fucking hard dude. and whatever i try to do i feel stupid and like a failure.

So there I am: this weekend my left arm--from shoulder to finger tips-- is constantly switching from throbbing pain, to tingling to complete numbess, and with my recent high chlorestal im taking this into concern. this could be my heart at age 19 having a breakdown just like my brain.

Last night Andrew decides to take me to the er and when i tell the nurse what im feeling and they rush me back to one of the rooms when there is a waiting room full of people...i get kinda nervous. after questions from the nurse the doctor comes in and makes me do all these weird things with my arms..she touches my back and a sharp pain charges my body...

" are you stressed?" she asks me.
I really want to laugh at this one.
" umm just a little bit i guesss"
Yeah so basically my back and neck are having major spasm which are makin the nerves inmy arm go haywire. so im on muscle relaxers and 800mg of ibpofen.
its fucking ridiculious.
god if it is one thing i wish wouldnt be such a problem its my fucking health.and my fucking school

btw the movie SAW sucks donkey balls wicked bad acting.
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