Happy New Year!!
This is yet another vid to a Yoko Kanno song. It's instrumental again, but it's an orchestral piece originally heard at the very end of the Vision of Escaflowne anime series. That scene made me cry the first time I saw it years ago, and if you're interested, someone posted it at
YouTube. I literally cried again doing this vid. *weep*
Many huge thanks goes to
humansrsuperior on this one for the beta and for sending the New Earth clips my way - the copy I had wasn't very good. As soon as the Season 2 DVDs come out, I'm getting both seasons, and then this'll all be easier.
Vid Title: The Story of the Doctor and Rose Tyler
Fandom: Doctor Who - Nine, Ten, and Rose; spoilers through Doomsday
Music: "The Story of Escaflowne ~ End Title" by Yoko Kanno, performed by the Warsaw Philharmonic, from Escaflowne - Lovers Only
Length: 4:26
File Info: WMV, 33.3 MB zipped
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