Vidding Meme 2015

Jan 01, 2016 09:20

Vids posted in 2015
(Sorted by date of completion)

Show Me the Way - Snowpiercer
The Walker - Ratatouille

1941 - Agent Carter

Mirrorage - Orphan Black

Previous years: 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014

My favorite video this year (of my own):
1941. I had so much fun with both the source and song, and I think it shows. And the violin break is my favorite part.

My least favorite video this year:
Show Me the Way. I ended up not really enjoying the movie much, so I didn't have a whole lot of fun making the vid.

Most successful video:
1941, by far.

Video most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
Mirrorage, maybe?

Most fun video:
1941 followed by The Walker. I mention The Walker because it turned out to be such a palate cleanser after making Show Me the Way.

Video with single sexiest moment:
This probably goes to the Peggy/Dottie kiss in 1941.

Biggest vid fail:
As much as I love 1941, I wish I did more to brighten some of the footage. Agent Carter is just so darkly lit sometimes.

Hardest video to make:
Show Me the Way. Every moment of making the vid was a chore. It's a good thing I enjoyed the song or the vid would never have been made.

Most unintentionally telling video:
Uh, I have no idea how to answer this one this year.

The things I've learned this year:
It's tough to make a video by request (Mirrorage) for someone who hasn't finished watching the source.

For 2016:
I have no plans other than maybe trying to do some fancy titles with HitFilm (fancy software that came with my copy of Vegas).

Originally posted at Dreamwidth. Comments:

meme, vidding stuff

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