Vidding Meme 2011

Dec 31, 2011 10:47

Vids made in 2011
(sorted by date of completion)

Deep - Farscape

Get the Party Started - Leverage/White Collar

Session - State of Play (UK)

Previous years: 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010

Seeing as I only finished four vids this year, one of which won't be posted until next, I'll just write about each of vids in detail instead of answering the meme questions as usual.

This was a Sweet Charity vid for destina that took me months to finish. A huge part of that was getting a new job in 2010, moving to a new city, and having a really long commute. That made it very hard to be productive vidding-wise. When I found out Destina wanted a Farscape vid, my first thought was it wouldn't be too hard since I'd vidded Farscape before and even had some old clips hanging around. But her prompt of wanting a John/Scorpius vid made me realize I had to re-watch the whole series with an entirely different focus, having first watched it as a John/Aeryn shippper. My re-watch with detailed note-taking (y'all should see my spreadsheet!) took months instead of the couple weeks I was anticipating. I finally started laying down clips in January only to have my vidding drive fail a few days later when I had 75% completed. *cries* Thankfully, I still had the timeline, a few test renders, and my detailed spreadsheet, so I didn't have to start completely from scratch. *whew* I am so very pleased with how the vid turned out and even more pleased that Destina was happy. The icing on the cake was getting to sit next to her at Vividcon when it played at Nearly New. :D

Get the Party Started
This one all started with wanting to do an 60's style heist/caper vid set to Dame Shirley Bassey's awesome cover of Pink's song. I mainlined White Collar earlier in the year just before going to a Paley Fest for it. I'd also seen enough Leverage to know there were enough similarities between the two shows that would make for fun crossover fic. But damn it, there really aren't enough good ones out there, and since I don't write fic, I decided to make a crossover my way. It was a lot of fun vidding the visual parallels between the two shows, though I'd say it was harder than it looks just finding them. I kinda ran out toward the end... And of course, I just had to put in what I like to call "the inexplicable Mark Sheppard parallel." :D It played well enough at Club Vivid, but it found its audience online, especially over at AO3.

I originally intended for this vid to be a part of jagwriter78's Made in the UK vidshow for Vidukon, but I stalled on it somewhere in the middle and RL also got in the way. After I finished my Club Vivid vid, I really wanted to have something in Vividcon Premieres and this was the only vid I could conceivably finish in time. I was pretty sure not many people would be familiar with State of Play, so I was definitely going more for an overview vid with visual impact. I'm really happy with a lot of the editing techniques I got to use for this vid which I think the instrumental song called for. I really like how the strings in this cover help add to the mystery surrounding the show itself. Plus there really isn't enough action in the series to vid the original beat-heavy song by Linkin Park. :D

The things I've learned this year:
Attending Paley events makes for great incentives to watch shows that lead to vid bunnies.

A shorter commute equals more time for vidding.

It's a lot more fun and freeing vidding without worrying too much about how others will react to the final product. Still, it is very gratifying indeed when your intended audience is thrilled to bits with what you've created.

For 2012:
I'm trying to finish a Sherlock Holmes vid for Escapade. I missed the deadline last time with the hard drive fail, and I'm actually going to attend this year, so I'm even more excited about trying to have a premiere vid.

I have at least three Fringe vid bunnies including the one I mentioned in last year's vidding meme. Sadly, while that vid bunny still holds after finally watching the show, I think it's been pushed to third place. I do plan on starting on one that I think will be a lot of fun as soon I finish the Escapde vid.

I can't wait for Festivids!

I also need to start on my Ultimate Vid Idea that I mentioned over at Vid Pub. It helps if I set goals, so I'm aiming for VVC Premieres. Wish me luck?

Originally posted at Dreamwidth. Comments:

state of play, meme, vividcon, fringe, vidding stuff, leverage, white collar, sherlock holmes, farscape, escapade, festivids

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