Supernatural Vid: All Is Numb

Aug 04, 2009 15:47

Music: "All Is Numb"
Artist: 32 Leaves
File Info: 4:41, zipped MP4 (H.264) and streaming
Download and Streaming: HERE
Notes: Season 4 Sam character study. Sam's POV. Warning for language in song lyrics.

With many thanks to my wonderful betas jagwriter78, raspberry_splat, and dnamadscientist.

It feels incredibly good to have this vid finally finished. I started it and had everything up through the opening titles way back in December, but I hadn't touched it much until last month. I had planned on trying to finish it before the second half of season 4 came out, but now I'm glad that it took me so long. :)

"All Is Numb" by 32 Leaves

C’mon drift away through fundamental boundaries
To find ourselves surrounding
The ones who’ve already gone and come back stronger

All is numb
I’ve been lost too long
My fate’s been mistakenly chosen
All is numb
Yeah I’ve done you wrong
My fate’s been mistakenly chosen

Here you’ll stay
Where lies are spread wide open
And ties are not so strong
That place you’ll never find me
I’ve already gone


I guess my thinking too much is what’s been fuckin’ me up
It’s my own worst enemy, but
It will never own me…
Who am I kidding anyway?


vids: spn, spn, vids

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